Using ALL or "not all all" in flows, best practice

Maybe a stupid question…

Nevertheless, I’m new with Homey, going from HomeSeer HS4 pro to Homey pro.
HomeSeer was stable, but lack all the gadgets that HP23 has.

Just a question when design flows.
The two alternatives in my example do the same thing.
However, which one of this examples is the best one when thinking of use of resources?
Is it better to make use of the ALL function or is the “in line” better?
The difference between these two is not present in this small flow, but when more and bigger flow, there could be an difference.
Any thoughts?

(This example is for starting the ventilation in my bathroom.
It reads the humidity in the bathroom and compare it to an reference outside the bathroom.
If the humidity in the bathroom is 10% more than the reference outside the bathroom, then the ventilation should start.
The ventilation is supposed to run until the humidity is reduced to around 5% or less, and then run further more with an delay of 10 minutes.
The complete flow is not finished yet… )

You are right they are both equal. So it is a question of readability.

I just have one question: If humidity and humidity are the same variable or property this part will never be true. Probably you should rename one or, if not possible, add a description field to know about it later - or not to confuse a reader here. :wink:

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In #1 the calculation is always done. That is for me a kind of waist of time/energy.
So I would prefer #2. Also for clarity in reading the flow.


They are two separate sensors.
But I agree, I have to rename the sensor to avoid confusion.

I had some ideas about When… triggers and And… conditions in the post that I deleted as they were nonsense. ALL needs to start all branches from the same When… trigger. Otherwise they will never be activated. Sorry if someone was confused.

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It is possible to change the tag/property name?
I can’t find it anywhere, humidity is the same tag for all of my sensors.

The only thing I know that when you hop above a tag you see or a value (from the last flow action) or the name of the item.

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Yup, in Adv. flow hovering is the only quick way to discover the device the tag belongs to in existing flowcards.
And additional, no, you can’t edit the tag names unfortunately.

For example, one can have 20 sensors which have a Humidity capability, and the tags just are [Humidity] for each and everyone.

I think this an annoying side of Homey flows, I’d like to be able to see which device the tag is from right away, especially in the bigger complex flows.
I use the ‘Note’ option in those cases, I just write down what is what for particular flowcards…

The two tags below with the device name in it, are imported from HomeAssistant, where I’m free to name the tags.

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An other thing that can become a problem are the ‘this flow’ tag’s.

When a flow has more then 1 trigger you have to use the device tag(s).

By one flow I have put a note to remember this for maybe editing the flow later.

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