Unable to control Yale Home in Homekit

Im able to add and control my Yale Linus in the homey app.
But when trying to control the lock via Homekit it fails.

Anybody seen anything like this and know how to resolve this?

What does “it fails” actually mean?

Also, which HomeKit implementation are you using on Homey?

Im using the Homey homekit experiment (Im a noob, just got the device two days ago)

When trying to lock or unlock via homekit it just says “locking” or unlocking and nothing happens….

Try my HomeKitty app (ignore the warning on the app page).

There is some problem with Homey’s Yale Home app i think – it gives 403 error when logging in between App and Yale’s server (oauth.aaecosystem.com).

It worked perfectly about a month ago with Yale Doorman & Linus but now there is nothing happening when you open or lock your lock with Homey. ::raised_hands:

Yeah. I never got it working. Homekitty or the native HomeKit integration. Neither works :frowning: