Tuya smart switch

Does anyone know if this Tuya Switch is supported on Homey Pro?

If it’s a wifi version, yes.

Looking at the picture…:
It has wifi
It can be controlled by 433MHz
No sign of ‘zigbee’, although the model ‘ZG-001’ could point to zigbee. Or zwitch :crazy_face:
But, man, the add shows a zigbee logo?

Some shops show the Tuya wifi version, but also offer a Tuya zigbee version.
Not shure what version you were after?

I haven’t seen switches with both wifi and zigbee.

These also come in a Zigbee variant:

(although it’s confusingly called a “ZG-001 RF”)

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Now I am confused :rofl:
I looking for an affordable zigbee smart Switch that is implented in Homey…

Try shelly’s they’re cheap and reliable (and they have a good and supported app) Didn’t seen the zigbee part😇 than i would say the xiaomi T1


The Tuya zigbee model should work without an app, as Homey generic zigbee
I would not recommend the wifi version, while it’s internet- and Tuya server dependent.
If you don’t care: it should work with the Tuya Cloud app.

And I agree with Glenn’s propositions.