[TUTORIAL] Using Siri/Shortcuts for activating flows (with pics!)

Perhaps ask Athom by creating a support request, perhaps they know what that specific error means: https://support.athom.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015784034-Submit-a-support-request

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Submitted a request and diagnostic report. Will keep you posted! Cheers

Hi @robertklep,

My problem still has not been solved and as of yet, the helpdesk doesn’t know how to fix the problem… Therefor my next question might help: what is THE best way to connect Homey and Siri at the moment?

I tried sprut’s app, but that gives HASID errors when trying to connect hardware.

Hopefully there’s a ‘cure’ out there - this is truly frustrating.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

Kind regards,

You’re going to need one of the Homekit apps. Either try and see if the app you use supports your device directly, in which case you can typically just use Siri to change the device status (“Hey Siri, turn on the lights in the living room” or “Hey Siri, open the curtains in the bedroom”).

If you want a bit more control, you can use a virtual device and use flows on Homey to act upon state changes for that device. You would tell Siri to (for instance) turn on the virtual device, and using a flow in Homey that is triggered on “the virtual device is turned on” you can basically do whatever you want (trigger other flows, change other devices, etc).

Is it also possible to get Shortcuts to activate an automation upon a Homey flow? For instance: I would like to want that whenever I push my aqara button, my iphone will play the latest podcast. I’ve tried to do it with Virtual Devices. However, Shortcuts unfortunately makes a distinction between Personal Automation and Home Automation.

Only a Home Automation in iOS can trigger to turn on a “Virtual Device”. However, the Home Automation option can not trigger that a podcast will be played. This trigger can only be done by Personal Automation (which in turn cannot be triggered by switching on a Virtual Device).

So I don’t see an option to activate an automation in Shortcuts by activating a homeyflow. However, I am not familiar with GET protocols etc. the only thing that CAN be triggered in “Home Automation” (and therefore by switchting on a VD) in Shortcuts is the option of a X - Callback (However, I do not know what that is :slight_smile: )

Do you think it is possible to reach someway or another?

You would help me a lot!

If I start creating an automation from the Home app, based on “An Accessory is Controlled” (so when for instance a virtual device is controlled), I get the option to turn that automation into a shortcut:

(however, because I’m using a really old iPad as Home Hub, I can’t continue)

Triggers like HTTP or “X-Callback” only work the other way around, from iOS to Homey and not (what you want) from Homey to iOS.

Thanks for the reply. I guess it is not possible then. If I click on the link “convert to shortcut” that’s when you get the limited options for shortcuts: scripts, location based, documents and web. But not the options as you get when I would start a “personal automation”, it then would give me the options to select different apps, podcasts etc. However, as I said, in personal automation the trigger “an accessory is controlled” is not an option.

Weird that it would not work that way!

Thanks! Seems I have to limit my flows then :slight_smile:

I am not sure how to do this. And somehow I don’t understand how it should work. Cause you mention two flows, but they are not the same?

  1. Done, 2. it’s already there, 3. easy.
  2. You mention a flow here, but which one? And you should mention that only the code to the Flow is needed, not the link (in full).
  3. And which flow is this? With the actual thing I want to do or the flow mentioned in 4?
    I got a “OK” when testing the shortcut.

Goedeavond allemaal,

Ik heb sinds vorige week een Homey Pro en ben bezig om me zelf eigen te maken met de verschillende mogelijkheden binnen dit mooie product. Heb zelf een iPad pro, dus ik moest even zoek hoe Siri en de andere opties verstopt zitten in de iPad, maar ben een heel eind gekomen met deze tutorial, waarvoor hartelijk dank!

Ik ben begonnen met een rolluik wat ik graag naar beneden wil laten gaan als ik ‘rolluik’ roep tegen Siri. Alles lijkt te werken, behalve dat het rolluik NIET naar beneden gaat ;-).

Na het commando aan Siri gegeven te hebben, krijg ik de melding ‘Gedaan’ en daar blijft het bij.
Mijn rolluik gaat niet naar beneden…

Ik heb rolluik ook als apparaat aangemaakt en dat werkt zonder problemen als ik het via Homey (handmatig) bedien.

Iemand een idee waar het fout gaat?

Groeten, Jan

In English please… :wink:

Could you share your flows? Possibly a connection error somewhere between the Siri command and the execution of the flow…

Hi Joep,

Sorry, now in English.

It is a very simple flow that I call ‘Rolluik’.

In the command (‘opdracht’) on the iPad: the URL = https://XXX.connect.athom.com/api/app/com.internet/whitelist/Rolluik

Attached the pictures of the flow and HTTP…

Do you have any clue?

Currently I am trying to do the same with the Ring of the Homey ;-).

Best regards, Jan

Hi Joep,

It works now :-). I missed a command on the iPad.

Best regards, Jan

Looks like you missed the shortcut?

I forgot to include the “Haal inhoud van URL op” command on the iPad… :-/

That’s quite important indeed. It all is much simpler than in the first post of this thread.

The only thing I want is that the homey could communicate back to the shortcut. Like when you set a textual variable. Send it back to the shortcut. And have it there processes for an outcome and result…

It works like a charm! I managed to set it from the first shot.

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Does anyone know how to trigger a shortcut on IOS?

You can create widgets from Shortcuts, and possibly also trigger them from Home automations (not sure).

I want Homey to trigger a shortcut. But I’m stuck. I’ve been reading al day and didn’t find the answer

You could possibly use Homekit for that: create a virtual device in Homey that gets exposed through Homekit to your phone, create a Home automation that will trigger based on the state of that virtual device, and when it triggers it will run a particular Shortcut.

Not trivial to set up, and I think you’ll need a Home hub in your network for this to work at all.