Hi, i will show the temperatur from a room (Already in Homey via zigbee) on the google Hub.
What is to do?
I found all like powerplugs etc from homey in Google but not the temeratur
Create a virtal thermostat with virtual devices. Write a flow that sends the zigbeetemperature to the thermostat. Let google sync with homey
Re-Synchronise your Homey account with google home in settings
Important !
After you changed or added a devices to homey OR Hue which is connected to Google home
say to google “Synchronise all devices” then wait 30sec and google will tell you "succesfull synchronise with service X and Y "
I have also connected my TADO thermostat to homey and homey is ofcourse connected to google and google is able to read and set the temperture in each room.