Tado airco support

Hi, Big newbie here :wave:

As far as I can tell there is no support for the tado airco system, only for the ‘normal’ thermostat + radiator valves.

Is this something that is under development? Otherwise it might be better for me to switch to HA.


Via the tado app. I assume. I don’t have a tado ac unit.
You DO need the bridge though, tado works with internet only
I think thermostat and airco are combined in the app, and tado decides to heat or to cool.
There are flow options though
IF section

THEN section

Does anybody knows when there will be support for Tado Airco?

Probably never, see here:

hmmm, i guess reading a bit further it will give a different answer though:

Unfortunately we do not have a Tado device with AC capability. Is it possible to add a virtual device to our developer account or to send us a real device with AC capability so we can test the updated app?

And in a PR with a lot of changes:

I would recommend not actually merging this pull request to Master since the AC functionality can only be properly tested after we received the AC unit from Tado (has been ordered).

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This is the problem I have. All tado devices can be reached except the airco units which have an error 403.

I might do a workaround with a flow that ends with apple home kit, but I rather have it working directly.

And how did you do the workaround with Apple HomeKit?

Didn’t do it yet

Yes, I have the same issue lately: error 403 forbidden.

There is a new tado app in the store under test.

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This version seems to have solved the issue!

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Except that i have a new error: 422 - unprocessable entity

This new version does not seem to have the “Return to Smart Schedule” (Terug naar Slimme Schema) option anymore, which could be useful in some cases.

Also if you set a temperature of 21"C in homey, is it heating or cooling the room to 21"C? It is a bit confusing since there is no option to select cooling or heating.

That’s one of the modes, SCHEDULE, MANUAL, UNTIL CHANGE or OFF. So just change the mode to SCHEDULE.

That would depend on the current room temperature. If it’s warmer than the set point then it will be cooling, but if its already cooler than the set point it would be warming.

After some network issues I also get a 403 forbidden error on my Tado devices.
Restarting the app or Homey itself did not help.
Repair also did not work.

Anything I can try before I remove the devices and add them again?

From what I remember: Start a browser and go to tado° and log on.
After that, 403 error should be vanished

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That did work indeed.

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YW and thanx too! So, some parts of my memory still run fine appearantly :sweat_smile::beers:


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