We are looking to buy an Airco, i have been searching the forum and found a lot of questions and problems (problems can allways be that i am not worried about). The answer that i am looking for does anyone have a brand and or model that works with Homey. Prefferably out of the box
Also I have been reading about Sensibo, what are the experiences with this?
Sorry for the grammar, Dutch is my native language not English
Mitsubishi heavy industriel and Sensibo works just perfect for me.
Just had a Daikin installed, assuming it was supported by the Daikin App. However it is too new Daikin updated it’s interface recently
The wifi module BRP069B41 is supported but the BRP069Cxx not (yet!)
I confirm. A bit klunky page for API key but I can assist if needed
Mitsubishi Electric is working quite well with the MELCloud app
I have an Panasonic with Tado Smart Aircon.
In normal mode you’re unable to set the operational mode because of the limited support by Athom.
Unless you set the Tado to ‘Thermostat mode’ in which the Tado will take full control over the aircon.
Reading the temperature and humidity works though.