I wish to create a flow that when triggered it brings up a dialog box where I can enter a number that is then assigned to a variable which is used in the flow. Is this possible? In my case I want to make a play timer for my kid that when done triggers a sound on her Sonos speaker. The input should thus be minutes.
This is not an option in Homey itself.
The only option from Homey self to input something to / from a flow is the Push Notification as Condition but that only returns yes/no.
As workaround you could open a flow that has a start with Number Tag. If you test this it asks for the number Tag. But you have to open/edit the flow each time you want to test with entering the value.
Edit: added examples below.
When pressing Test:
What triggers the Flow?
For me it would be perfect like when you are testing a flow. So when I trigger a flow manually I would like a dialogbox to turn up and ask for how many minutes. I would fill that in and after that the rest of the flow or another flow with that variable is triggered.
As workaround with 3rd party apps seel the same question with a solution using Tasker here: Input Time from User prompt