Somfy RTS blinds in US

Purchased and setup Tahoma. I don’t, however, appear to have access to the developer mode.

Am I missing something or could that be unavailable in the US?

I’m not sure about availability in the US. But you can still use it via the cloud.
I will enquire about the US to see if I can find out.

Thank you. How would I setup the integration with the cloud vs local?

Just add the blinds to Homey. It will ask you to log in to your Somfy account and the request the list of devices from there. It’s identical method to the local connection as they live together.

Brilliant. Works a like charm. Thank you.

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I will have somfy RTS installed soon and I said I will pair it with Homey Pro so I didn’t order a remote nor the Tahoma. But it appears that I need one of the two things to pair it to Homey? Do I understand it right? If so, which is better? A remote or the Tahoma?

It depends on where you live. And without a remote, you have to look up in the manual how to get the Somphy motor in learning mode.

Well, I live in Poland. Does that make a difference? :slight_smile:

Yes indeed you need a remote to be able to pair a RTS.
Besides, its always handy to have a remote for when Homey has an off day :grinning:.

Haha, Homey better have no day-offs :stuck_out_tongue: anyway it’s good to know I have to pay more :rofl: and get the remote before they come and install it. BUT is Somfy RTS Curtain motor a good idea? Or maybe there is something better?

My outdoor sunscreen with RTS works perfect for over13 years, the disadvantish of RTS is, it is one way communication, so no feedback from the motor. The advantish is, it is direct pairable with Homey, whitch is not possible with the newer communication protocol, that do have two way communication.

In USA Homey does not do 443 MHz.

Uu… that’s weird. Why is that?

See the start and title of this topic. The law and regulation.

All technology has off days :grin:
All my curtains and blinds are RTS so in theory can be controlled directly by Homey with Athom’s Somfy app. However, I did find that Homey’s range seemed a bit limited, so couldn’t control my blinds on the second floor or in the extension. As it happens, I had my Tahoma box before I had a Homey and Tahoma worked flawlessly, so I use the Tahoma app.

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