Somfy Home alarm and Homey Pro

Hello all,

I have searched the forum but did not find help for my question.

Is there a way to connect my somfy home alarm to homey pro? Somfy apps that I can find do not support home alarm.

Hope anybody can help me with this.

Thanks in advance.


The only way I know of is via Tahoma and the Tahoma app. But if you don’t already have a Tahoma box then it’s an expensive solution.

With Iftt you can start flows when you activate or desactivate your Somfy alarm
Works great!

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Do you know where i can find some information how i can set that up?

With this topic:[HOWTO] Use IFTTT with Homey when the official support has ended
You have to connect your Somfy credentials in the ifft app and create a webhook flow in Homey

It seems there is an app on GitHub for the Somfy Home Alarm. It requires a bit of setting up as you have to create a Somfy developer account and then create an ‘app’ in that account to obtain a client id and secret. Then you have to download the Homey app from GitHub, create an env.json file with the id and secret and then install the app via the CLI.

I have asked the dev if he is going to publish the app, but so far no reply.