Smpl mini display: battery powered e-ink display made for Homey

The price would be as original - 99 EUR including VAT (VAT0% for companies is also possible). Shipping costs depend on country - our company has good contracts with several courier companies, so usually it’s just a few euros for most EU countries. Just send me private message and I’ll respond with exact cost.

I’m unable to connect the SMPL-display to my computer. Tried diffenrent USB-ports and cables, but no succes so far…

It always a dificult with the STM Cube tool to connect.
Press the button and connect the USB to it.
Most PC will let hear a small beeb that it see’s a new Ser port.

I programm a lot with that STM cube tool, not only the SMPL (done 12/13 SMPL the last year) not only for my self.