Smpl mini display: battery powered e-ink display made for Homey

Thank you for your continuous interest and engagement.

We are sold out. And there are currently no plans for producing more displays. Production and business are discontinued.

My wife and I have spent a significant amount of our time and savings on the project. Unfortunately, production cost has been too high to make a sustainable business case.

This project had a bumpy start when our initial development setup was destroyed in Kharkiv at the beginning of the Russian invasion. And it has since been impacted by the many Zigbee issues in the platform. But Athom has always done a great job addressing the issues and worked relentlessly to find solutions. We are happy to know that all known issues have been solved with the latest Homey Pro firmware updates in April combined with the latest smpl mini display firmware + Zigbee stack update from January. We are not able to provoke or reproduce any issues in our different live Homey Pro environments, both HP23 and older, having many displays connected. Both connection and updating is very stable.

We will keep the website alive as a support resource. All required information is there. Our wish is to get a more established company take over the product. If not, it has been great (and expensive) fun :wink:.

All the best from Pernille and Martin…