September 15, 2024, 2:55pm
Bonjour à vous,
Je souhaite gérer l’éclairage d’une pièce en sous sol (70m2) qui va servir de bureaux. Cette pièce n’a donc aucun accès à la lumière naturelle extérieur.
Pour l’éclairage, je souhaite installer les grands plafonnier (600x600) Philips HUE (Page produit | Philips Hue FR )
J’aimerai donc via une app intégré dans Homey Pro ou un capteur extérieur simuler la lumière extérieure (en terme de luminosité et teinte) tout au long de la journée.
Pensez-vous que cela soit réalisable ?
Merci d’avance pour vos retours.
September 16, 2024, 12:10pm
Jetez un coup d’œil à ces applis et topics:
(via )
A simple application to create circadian lighting zones within your Homey home.
Using some simple configuration, this app allows you to easily create flows to adjust lighting colour temperature and brightness throughout the day. Additional options are implemented for creating custom “night time” modes.
Combined with the power of Advanced Flow, it’s really easy to not only create lighting scenes that adapt throughout the day, but adjust accent lighting, track room mode, and more.
I’m using t…
Good day all,
After quite a lot of work (always more than you think) I have updated the SunEvents app from SDK 2 to SDK 3 to make sure it will work after 01.01.2023. I have also restructured it to make it easier to maintain.
You can find here the test release:
Please be sure that you are aware that this app can be buggy and can interrupt your workflows related to SunEvents.
Please submit bugs to Issues · magtimmermans/com.cyclone-software.sunevents · GitHub
Thanks and have a nice day.
I’m basically looking to recreate BrainLit’s circadian rhythm matching lighting, which they call BioCentric Lighting . I’ve been to their office here in Lund and essentially it adjusts color temperature and brightness to match the sun as if every day was April 16th in southern Sweden.
I would like to be able to use wall switches to turn on sets of lights in a room in different modes:
Following the sun – as above – as long as they are left on.
Fully bright and white
Some scen…