Sending raw Z-Wave parameters

I am struggling to send configuration parameters to a Fibaro Head Controller Z-Wave device by an advanced flow using the “Send raw commands” Z-wave flowcard.

I need to send a configuration string to set specific parameters to it.

I have already tried successfully to send them by using the “advanced settings\row configuration parameters” directly on the device. In this case there is no need to use the device Node Id since it is already known inside the device advanced settings.
I sent them in decimal using the following format: parameter_id, size_in_byte, value; successfully to the device and the updated configuration is in place.

But it seems impossible to do that by using instead the “Send raw commands” Z-wave flowcard in a flow to the NodeId of my Fibaro Head Controller…
I tried to send them in different ways:

  1. parameter_id, size_in_byte, value; (both in Hex (0x…) or decimal without success)
  2. 112, 4, parameter_id, size_in_byte, value; (both in Hex (0x…) or decimal without success)

112 and 4 (in dec but I tried also in Hex) are respectively the CONFIGURATION COMMAND Class and the CONFIGURATION SET Function which I have seen are needed to send a configuration parameter change to a Z-Wave device.

In all of these cases the outcome was unsuccessful…

I have an HPE 2023.

Could anyone help me?

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Please have a look at this post, the info will probably help you:

Hello ,
Yes thank you, I have already read this but I have already tried to put the CONFIGURATION COMMAND CLASS (112) and CONFIGURATION SET (4) both in decimal and in Hex before my parameters change but it didn’t work…

This flow works for me:

Stuur = send
Naar Node = to Node

define “unsuccessful”, doesn’t the card finish? doesn’t the device receive it? doesn’t the flow activate?

Just to be sure, the device is included unsecure (Secure (x))? raw flow card doesn’t work when the device is included secure.

correct questions that I have missed:

  • Unsuccessful because the card doesn’t show any error and I checked also in Homey developer Z-Wave logs that Homey sends commands to destination NodeId, but the status on the device doesn’t change. It change, instead, if I send the parameters values from device configuration in “advanced settings\row configuration parameters” as I said before.

  • I confirm that the device has been paired in unsecure mode. The Z-Wave status in the Homey developer page is (Secure (x)) for this Node

To be more precise.
This is the parameter values possibility I have to set to my Fibaro Heat controller.I
I have to change the parameter: 2 it is a bitmask which leads different configurations shown below:

I have to put 177 in parameter 2 which the size is 4 byte.

If I put directly in advanced settings\row configuration parameters the string: 2,4,177 it works fine and the status change.
But If I try to do that by using the first or the second flowcard:

Both flowcards execute successfully but the status on the device doesn’t change

Homey probably makes the 177 into 1 byte value, not a mandatory 4 byte value:
0x70, 0x04, 0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0xb1

I’ll try…
But the flowcard accept Hex values only?

Should also be able to do decimal, but as the value has to be of 4 bytes long, not sure it is smart enough to make it a 4 byte value if it isn’t necessary for the value itself.
Might be able to make it a full on decimal, but can’t guarantee that will work:
112, 4, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 117

Tested and in both cases (Hex or Dec) it doesn’t work unfortunately…

So it is sure that I have to put before 112, 4 before any parameter configuration changes, correct?

With the flow card yes, as that is a real raw card, not just for configuration but able to do any command, the one in the advanced settings is purely for configuration parameters.

Ok that is clear.
Do you have any other idea why it still doesn’t work with the last command you suggested?
Thank you for your help

Nope, it should work if the device is included unsecure, is within range, (full) batteries inserted, the value is valid and does change anything visible on the device itself (settings in Homey itself won’t change if there is a corresponding setting).

If no other(better) ideas, then… You already mentioned the Z-Wave developers page logs. You also have a successful and not working actions. But what’s the difference between them in logs?
Hope, both are present in logs, but what’s the difference? Actually this point hopefuly elliminates speculations on theme decimal/hex and how long the byte is.

In the logs I have only seen (in case I use the “row parameters change flowcard”) that the command was sent from Homey to Z-Wave NodeId I have choosen. That’s all.
My doubt was (as Caseda asked) about the fact that the “row parameters change flowcard” could have failed.
Then I don’t understand where is the speculation…
Caseda explained well the possibility that since the parameter has a value that can be represented with less than 4 bytes (177 can be represented with 8 bits (1 byte)) then the remaining three bytes should be put to zero, in Hex: 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xb1, in Dec: 0,0,0,177
But also in that case the configuration in the device does not change.
So I have to find another way to change the parameters since there is no other idea on that

@Domenico_Etere @Caseda I tried to follow the thread but completely miss where you find the Fibaro raw command list :thinking:

In my case I have several Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 that already have some raw parameters set (see my tutorial post)

#1 Not sure if this is an issue: They use an “Authenticated” secure connection.

#2 Where can I find the list of commands?

I do have a four-button Wallmote that I need to adopt from Fibaro HomeCenter. I am extremely surprised that Homey Flows does not offer a “Stop” action?!? This was not a problem in HomeCenter.
The Wallmote button should move the blinds when pressed and held and stop when released.

How do find the raw command for STOP?

There is no such thing as a raw command list, such a list would consist of 1000s of pages of raw commands (probably closer to 10 million pages).
Raw commands are just “raw” hexadecimal values where the entire z-wave communication works in.

So to get to a command you have to read the z-wave documentation (available on the silab’s website after creating an (free) account), and “create”/lookup your command that way.

But yes, the device being secure does create a problem, the raw command flow card doesn’t account for the encryption necessary by secure devices.

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Looks like I try once more some workarounds using variables and/or virtual buttons.