Save option when navigating away from advanced flow that has changes

I have been doing a bunch of work with advanced flows recently and I find the workflow is very cumbersome because I always forget to save the flow.

Then, when I navigate away from the flow, I get a browser popup that tells me I haven’t saved the flow (nice!) but the options are not very good. I get a “cancel” or “leave” option. It would really stream line the workflow if there were three options:

“Return to the flow”
“Save and Continue”
“Continue without saving”

I know this would mean that you couldn’t use the browser alert, but the alert is not a very user friendly way to let me know there are unsaved changes anyway.

These two would do for me.

You get a warning. You have to press ok for leaving without saving! I dont see the problem.

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I save (CTRL+S), save and save the flow whenever I think of it, since the first time I lost a days work due to a “oops, something went wrong” error.

I would like to see an autosave function like Word has, so you never lose over 5 minutes of your work.


The workflow is horrible.

I was clearly going somewhere that I wanted to go to but I have hit this speedbump of having to save the changes that I made but forgot to make.

Once I am told that I have made changes that aren’t saved, I have to dismiss the dialog, then find the save button and hit it, and then remember where I was going, find that button and press it.

Or, if the system was more user friendly, I would get a great dialog that says there are unsaved changes and all I would have to do is press the “save and continue” button to have the changes saved and be taken where I was going.

It’s a huge improvement.

I’d like to add, the mobile app flow editor is worse: when building or editing a flow, all goes out the window when I tap the “back” button of my phone, poof

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Even worse if (on mobile) you accidentally tap outside of the pop-up window that contains the flow you are creating. The pop-up windows just closes without any warning. This is especially something that easily happens on a tablet, as there is a lot of screen real estate available outside of the pop-up window. At least, this is the behavior on iOS/iPadOS.

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Unfortunately, when you navigate away from the page, the only thing a web page is allowed to do is show the default browser dialog asking the user if they would like to cancel because of unsaved changes.
This is to prevent websites from becoming uncloseable.

Another option to prevent work becoming lost for a webpage is storing the latest version in local Storage and asking the user if they want to restore their work on the next visit. This, however can be seen as annoying when the user actually wanted to discard the changes.

But there is no option to prevent a page from unloading with a custom message and/or with custom buttons.

For the iPad app dismissing the modals to easily I believe there should be options though.

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that is true if you are navigating outside of your own application. I haven’t looked to see what technology stack they are using, but for the product I develop, we use VueJS and I can definitely capture a navigation attempt away from the current page (to another page within the app) and then handle it with a VueJS popup rather than a browser popup and I would be able to do what I am suggesting.

I agree with you if the user tries to navigate to another webpage altogether.