Room shows as "active" even after motion alarms turns off

I use Aeotec Trisensor motion sensors all over my house (Z-Wave device), with Homey Pro 2023.

Many times it’s happening for me that a motion sensor is turned off, and yet that area of the house is still marked as “Active” in the Homey system for minutes—sometimes for hours. This breaks some of my Flows that depend on an area being “inactive for X minutes” to turn off lights. Any idea how to fix this?

Did you try to refresh the screen by switching to another tab (ie flows) and back to devices?
I know did doesn’t change the state of the flow, but then you know for sure that you will not be misled.

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Yes. I tried killing the app and restarting it. It stays stuck in that state sometimes for days.

Then you have to do some testing to find the cause. Maybe it is some device being in alarm state all the time, or a bug.
Start by moving all alarm devices moving to another temporary zone.

All device that can set the zone as active should have a setting to exclude it:
So make sure there aren’t any devices that have the option set to Yes that shouldn’t be used in the zone active check.

I can try this. In that case, I’ll have to turn on the lights based on motion triggered event, rather than Zone Active.

It’s easy to find the device which keeps the zone active.
Go to the Devices tab, hit Activity, select an active zone and you should notice the active device.

Adrian tried to explain you can decide at this point to exclude the device from triggering zone activity.
Or, maybe you’ll discover a device is active for longer time somehow, while it shouldn’t,
and needs to be fixed.

Because you wrote in another topic that you also use Aeotec Door and Window Sensor, I guess that one of these sensors is responsible for your Flow not working the way you want it to.

Copied a post regarding Zone Activity here as info:

Acc. the Using Zone Activity support article, Zone Activation can be used with motion and door/contact sensors only:

The Homey SDK documentation also states that only devices with the alarm_motion and alarm_contact capabilities can be used for the Zone Activity option:


Hi @DirkG,
Yes, I’m aware that both door/window sensors and motion sensor mark a zone as active. In the bug I’m experiencing, there is no particular door/window sensor in that zone at all, just a motion sensor. It keeps the zone as active for several hours. I would imagine this is a defect with the Aeotec motion sensor itself?

That’s easy enough to check: find the motion sensor device in Homey and see what it’s state is. If it says “motion detected” when it shouldn’t have, there’s an issue with the sensor (or with Homey not receiving or passing the “no more motion” event back to the app).

As @robertklep already mentioned, it’s really easy to check if there is a misbehavior with the motion sensor.
But because you had trouble with some Z-Wave devices that lost the connection to the HP23, this could of course also be a reason for this. Because now you know how to check if the motion sensor is still reachable in the Z-Wave network, I suggest to check this.