Ring Security - Extend Heimdall with Ring Security products

Hi Thorium,

Support for the Motion Sensor V2 was written without having the actual device to test or get the proper inclusion instructions. As you say, the Ring Security app can not stop Z-Wave devices from updating, the app just processes what it receives from Homey as it’s Homey itself that’s in control of the Z-Wave communication.
Is your Z-Wave in itself finctioning correctly?

And about the device needing a reset, that’s exactly what Homey does when adding a Z-Wave device, it’s a 2 step process because the first step should be resetting the device, I’ll look into how I can make the instruction better.

Thanks a million for the reply.

  1. Yes, when the debug tool reports that the sensor is stuck, I have to believe it. I don’t know the boundary between the Homey firmware and the app software, but I thought I was looking at an unfiltered data structure… and it says the data doesn’t change.

  2. I only have these two devices on my Homey Pro Z-Wave network. I have a Ring Z-wave network running in parallell, but the Homey devices have been removed from this using the proper procedure, so I don’t foresee any conflict.

  3. 4 step process.
    a) Factory reset sensor, hold reset pinhole button until light flashes red.
    b) Start pairing. Hold front button for about 5 seconds (I think), release. See if app proceeds to next step, if not keep trying.
    c) Hold front button for about 5 seconds, release. See if app proceeds to PIN step, if not keep trying.
    d) Enter PIN.

Update: After 24 hours of sensor blackout I just found out that it is sufficient to disconnect power to the motion sensors in order to get them back online. (They don’t need to be re-paired.) It should be noted that both devices has worked flawlessly in a Ring Security system for a year prior to testing on Homey Pro, so it might be something the HP does that causes them to freeze.

@Thorium I’m going to guess it’s probably related to the Zwave issues everyone is experiencing right now.

1 Like

Well, after months of frustration on why my Ring panel kept freezing up at pretty much every interaction, I finally did it: I reset my Z-wave network.
Sure, it was a PITA to add all my Z-wave devices again and restore my flows, but the Ring panel seems to be WAY more responsive now.
For those who might be in doubt of resetting or not: just do it!

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Ring Contact Sensor V2
I just want to add, that I had trouble adding these devices to Homey. (I had 5 to include)
Turned out, the the ADD wizard is not completely correct in “tab the pinhole button”. You need to tab the pinhole button AND after it is pulsating green, hold the front button for 10 seconds, then just follow the rest of the wizard.

Hope it will help someone not pull out their hair like I did :slight_smile:

1 Like

Firstly, Thanks @DaneedeKruyff for all your time and answers here. Really appreciated.

I’m a long-time Homey user. I currently have the Homey Pro (Early 2019).

I recently bought the Ring Keypad 2gen, and sadly facing some issues getting it properly working.

I did install the Ring Keypad 2 app, Heimdall Surveillance app and Heimdall. Added users with pins. Went over all settings. Was able to link the keypad without issues.

All seems to be working, besides one thing: It seems the Ring Keypad is only communicating in one direction. Homey :arrow_right: Keypad works. Keypad :arrow_right: Homey seems not to happen.

When I turn on the alarm, the keypad shows the countdown. When I changes states, the keypad shows the current state.

However, entering anything on the keypad, or pressing any button, will trigger no effect on the Homey apps.

I removed everything, relinked the keypad, reinstalled the apps, rebooted :all_the_things:, did read this topic fully and others, the Motion-Sensor is also disabled (was disabled by default), but I’m still unable to get any communication from the keypad to the Homey working.

Even when I make a flow, triggered by sequence-entered, or an emercy button, no flow is executed.

I’m not sure how to proceed, besides resetting the Z-Waze network (which I keep as ultimate fallback)

I wouldn’t say the keypad is freezing, as it still makes a sound when I press anything, and I see the countdown effect when holding an emergency button, however, nothing happens at Homey :frowning:

So… I’m really puzzled here.

Does anyone have any idea what I could have missed, and could be the culprit? Or any logs that can help indicate the culprit?

The ringpad is also at a close distance of Homey, with no walls between.

PS: As I’m new on this forum, I’m not allowed to upload >1 image, nor a PDF, so had to make one image with the screenshots I hope/think are relevant.

Hi Jelle,

Could you please stop and start both apps next wait a bit and send a pin from the keypad. After that, please send a Diagnostics Report from both apps.

Hello @DaneedeKruyff , thank you for the super quick answer.

12:09 Disabled Heimdall & Ring Security App
12:13 Re-enabled Heimtdall & Ring Security App
12:21 Code 1234 → Arm
12:21 Diagnostic Report of both apps:
Code Ring: 615e4e95-80c5-45d3-9511-417a0294c5eb
Code HeimDall: 9a34470a-2c7f-4c97-a0fd-0d0874ff8089

I hope it contains anything useful :slight_smile:

Hello @DaneedeKruyff , and everyone else ofc,

Not sure if there is anything else I can do? Any tips or debug steps I could take?

The keypad is laying at the desk. When I change via the Homey app the Surveillance state, the keypad will do the countdown. So the communication works in one way for sure. But still unable to get any input from the keypad to Homey, unless I miss something fundamental. If anyone has an idea, I’m all ears.

PS: Let me know if I need to recollect logs or collect anything else. All help is welcome here :man_bowing:

Hi Jelle,

I have no idea what’s going on on your homey, both apps ‘see’ each other and communicate. I can see no proof in the Ring Security app it recieves information from Homey.
Could you please look into how your Z-wave is in the developer tools, is Homey actualy receiving information from the Keypad?

Thanks for the answer @DaneedeKruyff ,

I opened the Dev Tool:

No errors in transmitting. RX has a number. It did increase when I entered a code+command the first time. Not increasing everytime. If I hit the “Test” button next to it, it is successful.

I activated the log. I see this regarding Node14. Seems mostly outgoing?

[2023-11-02T13:08:55.532Z] Command[15362] start: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.614Z] Command[15362] end: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.649Z] Command[15363] start: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.649Z] Command[15364] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.650Z] Command[15365] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.650Z] Command[15366] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.650Z] Command[15367] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.651Z] Command[15368] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.651Z] Command[15369] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.653Z] Command[15364] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.656Z] Command[15365] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.659Z] Command[15366] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.663Z] Command[15367] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.666Z] Command[15368] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.669Z] Command[15369] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:08:55.669Z] Command[15363] end: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:09:25.782Z] Command[15370] start: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:09:25.968Z] Command[15370] end: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.003Z] Command[15371] start: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.003Z] Command[15372] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.004Z] Command[15373] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.009Z] Command[15374] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.009Z] Command[15375] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.009Z] Command[15376] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.009Z] Command[15377] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.011Z] Command[15372] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.014Z] Command[15373] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.017Z] Command[15374] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.021Z] Command[15375] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.024Z] Command[15376] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.027Z] Command[15377] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:09:26.027Z] Command[15371] end: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:09:34.388Z] Command[15378] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:09:34.389Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 14 with data: 0x9f029201f0c4e3b1e8e3225e6487f738d0264296 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:09:34.419Z] Command[15378] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:09:34.459Z] Command[15379] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:09:34.459Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 14 with data: 0x6c0201ff00 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:09:34.462Z] Node[14]: [COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION] {"V1 Alarm Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Type":0,"V1 Alarm Level (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Level":0,"Notification Status (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Notification Status":"On","Notification Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[9]},"Notification Type":"System","Event (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[4]},"Event":4,"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Event Parameters Length":1,"Sequence":false},"Event Parameter (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[85]},"Event Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[85]}}
[2023-11-02T13:09:34.485Z] Command[15379] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:10:35.540Z] Node[10]: [COMMAND_CLASS_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL] {"Sensor Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Sensor Type":"Temperature (version 1)","Level (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[34]},"Level":{"Size":2,"Scale":0,"Precision":1},"Sensor Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0,212]},"Sensor Value":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0,212]}}
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.707Z] Command[15380] start: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.794Z] Command[15380] end: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.828Z] Command[15381] start: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.828Z] Command[15382] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.829Z] Command[15383] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.829Z] Command[15384] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.829Z] Command[15385] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.830Z] Command[15386] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.830Z] Command[15387] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.832Z] Command[15382] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.836Z] Command[15383] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.839Z] Command[15384] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.842Z] Command[15385] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.845Z] Command[15386] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.848Z] Command[15387] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:10:43.848Z] Command[15381] end: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:11:01.858Z] Command[15388] start: sendTestFrame
[2023-11-02T13:11:01.918Z] Command[15388] end: sendTestFrame
[2023-11-02T13:11:12.845Z] Command[15389] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:11:12.845Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 14 with data: 0x2002 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:11:12.871Z] Command[15389] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:11:12.880Z] Command[15390] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:12.884Z] Command[15390] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.588Z] Command[15391] start: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.749Z] Command[15391] end: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.777Z] Command[15392] start: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.777Z] Command[15393] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.778Z] Command[15394] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.778Z] Command[15395] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.778Z] Command[15396] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.779Z] Command[15397] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.779Z] Command[15398] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.781Z] Command[15393] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.785Z] Command[15394] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.788Z] Command[15395] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.791Z] Command[15396] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.795Z] Command[15397] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.798Z] Command[15398] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:11:22.798Z] Command[15392] end: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:13:44.279Z] Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION] {"V1 Alarm Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Type":0,"V1 Alarm Level (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Level":0,"Notification Status (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Notification Status":"On","Notification Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[7]},"Notification Type":"Home Security","Event (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8]},"Event":8,"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"Properties1":{"Event Parameters Length":0,"Sequence":false}}
[2023-11-02T13:14:15.299Z] Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION] {"V1 Alarm Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Type":0,"V1 Alarm Level (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Level":0,"Notification Status (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Notification Status":"On","Notification Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[7]},"Notification Type":"Home Security","Event (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"Event":0,"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Event Parameters Length":1,"Sequence":false},"Event Parameter (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8]},"Event Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8]}}
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.711Z] Command[15399] start: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.811Z] Command[15399] end: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.834Z] Command[15400] start: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.835Z] Command[15401] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.835Z] Command[15402] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.836Z] Command[15403] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.836Z] Command[15404] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.836Z] Command[15405] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.836Z] Command[15406] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.839Z] Command[15401] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.842Z] Command[15402] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.845Z] Command[15403] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.849Z] Command[15404] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.852Z] Command[15405] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.855Z] Command[15406] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:14:33.855Z] Command[15400] end: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:14:57.038Z] Command[15407] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:14:57.039Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 14 with data: 0x9f02930102fcff781aea85311a281f987b9fc001 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:14:57.069Z] Command[15407] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:14:57.108Z] Command[15408] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:14:57.108Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 14 with data: 0x6c0202ff00 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:14:57.110Z] Node[14]: [COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION] {"V1 Alarm Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Type":0,"V1 Alarm Level (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Level":0,"Notification Status (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Notification Status":"On","Notification Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[9]},"Notification Type":"System","Event (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[4]},"Event":4,"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Event Parameters Length":1,"Sequence":false},"Event Parameter (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[85]},"Event Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[85]}}
[2023-11-02T13:14:57.134Z] Command[15408] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.203Z] Node[11]: Marked as online
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.211Z] Command[15409] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.211Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 11 with data: 0x31040308 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.330Z] Command[15409] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.374Z] Command[15410] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.374Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 11 with data: 0x31040100 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.479Z] Command[15410] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.535Z] Command[15411] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.535Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 11 with data: 0x8002 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.708Z] Command[15411] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:16.863Z] Node[11]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BATTERY] {"Battery Level (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[100]},"Battery Level":100}
[2023-11-02T13:17:20.210Z] Node[11]: Marked as offline
[2023-11-02T13:17:20.211Z] Command[15412] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:17:20.211Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 11 with data: 0x8408 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:17:20.241Z] Command[15412] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.757Z] Command[15413] start: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.757Z] Command[15413] start: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.857Z] Command[15413] end: getNetworkTopology
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.878Z] Command[15414] start: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.878Z] Command[15415] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.879Z] Command[15416] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.879Z] Command[15417] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.879Z] Command[15418] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.880Z] Command[15419] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.880Z] Command[15420] start: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.882Z] Command[15415] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.885Z] Command[15416] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.888Z] Command[15417] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.892Z] Command[15418] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.895Z] Command[15419] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.898Z] Command[15420] end: isFailedNode
[2023-11-02T13:19:03.898Z] Command[15414] end: getFailedNodes
[2023-11-02T13:19:15.156Z] Command[15421] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:19:15.156Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 14 with data: 0x9f02940164a753fb76248a8c6351bb823b3f7f10 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:19:15.187Z] Command[15421] end: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:19:15.224Z] Command[15422] start: sendData
[2023-11-02T13:19:15.224Z] [ProcessSendData]: To node: 14 with data: 0x6c0201ff00 and txOptions: TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK,TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE,TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE
[2023-11-02T13:19:15.226Z] Node[14]: [COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION] {"V1 Alarm Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Type":0,"V1 Alarm Level (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"V1 Alarm Level":0,"Notification Status (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Notification Status":"On","Notification Type (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[9]},"Notification Type":"System","Event (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[4]},"Event":4,"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Event Parameters Length":1,"Sequence":false},"Event Parameter (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[85]},"Event Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[85]}}
[2023-11-02T13:19:15.250Z] Command[15422] end: sendData

Below is what I have under Devices for the Ring keypad:

Property	Value
ID	9911e989-8601-4868-*****-*****
Name	Ring Keypad V2
Class	homealarm
Driver	homey:app:com.ring.security:4AK1SZ-0EU0
Ready	Yes
Available	Yes
Warning	No
Custom icon	No

Key	Value
token	"cc267286-******"

Key	Value
zw_node_id	"14"
zw_manufacturer_id	"838"
zw_product_type_id	"257"
zw_product_id	"1025"
zw_secure	"S2 (Access)"
zw_battery	"⨯"
zw_device_class_basic	"BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE"
zw_device_class_generic	"GENERIC_TYPE_ENTRY_CONTROL"
zw_device_class_specific	"SPECIFIC_TYPE_SECURE_KEYPAD"
zw_firmware_id	"769"
zw_application_version	"2"
zw_application_sub_version	"0"
zw_hardware_version	"4"
zw_wakeup_interval	0
zw_wakeup_enabled	false
zw_application_version_1	"1"
zw_application_sub_version_1	"1"
zw_group_1	"1"
useheimdall	true
ignoreActiveSensorWarning	false
usesiren	"0"
usechime	"0"
buttonPressTimeout	5
statusChangeTimeout	5
announcementAudioVolume	7
keyToneVolume	"6"
sirenVolume	"10"
chimeVolume	"3"
longPressEmergencyDuration	"3"
longPressNumberPadDuration	"3"
securityModeBrightness	100
keyBacklightBrightness	100
ambientLightSensorLevel	5
usetamper	true
languageUsed	"0"
useProximity	false
proximityTimeout	5
batteryReportInterval	70
zw_configuration_value	""

ID	Title	Type	Value	Set Value	Last Changed
measure_battery	Battery	number	100		1 month ago
alarm_tamper	Tamper alarm	boolean	null		

Anything specific I should be looking for, or how I can confirm Homey is receiving data?

Massive thanks!

Hi there,
when i try to set up the motion sensor v2 or any other Ring product i have the following error: SECURITY_2_MESSAGE_ENCAPSULATION

What should i do?

Hi Dannee,

I got my Homey Pro this weekend, as replacement for my Hoobs. I was very pleased with it because I thought that I could connect my Ring Alarmsystem with my Homey Pro. Than I noticed that only the ring components could connect :frowning:

Do u know if there is a possibility that the Ring alarmsystem could be connected with Homey soon?



Hi Marc,

I have no intention of integrating the Ring Alarm in Homey, that’s not my purpose for this app.

ah ok, thanks

@DaneedeKruyff Was there anything useful in my logs/export of the Developer Portal?

Any advice what my next step could be?

Hi Jelle,

To be honest, I’m lost here. It looks like there something not working correctly in your Z-Wave network or the Keypad. The app can only act on information it receives from Homey’s Z-Wave driver, when nothing is comming in the app won’t do anything.
You could try resetting your Z-Wave network, but I can’t guarantee it will help.

Hello @DaneedeKruyff , thanks for the quick reply and transparancy. I’m too late to return the device (I think), so time to lock time to reset all and see how that goes. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Danee,

I hope this message finds you well.
I’m considering purchasing a Homey Pro and would greatly appreciate your insights on its compatibility with my expectations. I’ve gone through previous posts on the topic, noting some limitations, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts on these.

Currently, my home security setup includes various ecosystems:

  • Netatmo (cameras, door sensors, and alarms)
  • Ring (cameras, door sensors, motion detectors, and alarms)

Additionally, I have other smart devices like Hue lights and Devialet Phantom speakers.

My primary goal is to integrate all these systems to enhance home security and automate certain actions.

Specifically, I’m interested in creating flows such as:

  • When either Netatmo or Ring door sensors detect an opening while the alarm is activated:
    • Trigger sirens on both Netatmo and Ring systems.
    • Play the “Siren.mp4” file at full volume on both Devialet Phantom and all Google Home and Amazon Echo devices.
    • Make all Hue lights flash in blue and red.

I would really appreciate your feedback on whether these integrations and flows are feasible with the Homey Pro.

Thank you for your time and expertise.


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