Ring Doorbell, Camera and Alarm support for Homey

Notifications works again with the latest test version. But image is not refreshed. I have the same problem wit Eufy camera’s so I think that ia a problem in Homey.

I’m only getting this device.

No matter what I try. Unless I use the regular app, then the Homey device is added also

Hi @Fire69,

Could you please reboot you Homey, wait for a minute of 5 and then remove all Authorised Devices in your Ring account.
Next, in Homey select Repair device on your Doorbell (Don’t remove it from Homey) and logon. Please check what does and what doesn’t work, send a Diagnostics Report, stating the results of your check.
After that, reboot Homey, wait a couple of minutes for everything to settle check the function of your Doorbell again and send another Diagnostics Report, again, include your test results.

Would it be possible to add a tag for the “grab current snapshot” card with the snapshot id ?

I’m also not able to add the doorbell, tried about 10 times exactly the description but keep getting the general alarm instead of motion and doorring separate.

Removed all devices in the ring app, installed the test version (12). Without any succes, no report on
Motion either door ring and also no video stream.

I’m on a homey 2016/2019

Diagnostic report for this part: d33d4b8d-bfc6-494f-8512-683d35c13e33
During the repair I wasn’t able to logon, it just said it authenticated correctly without asking for my credentials.

So I restarted your app and tried the repair again. This time it worked to authenticate.
Diagnostic report for this part: 8a5d81d5-cddc-4ede-8fa4-71913af7ce7c

Diagnostic report for this part: 9ce4489c-e7ea-4301-8a55-0c2c785e9cc0

Nothing is working :frowning_face:
I’m also missing the Doorbell capability, I only have the Motion alarm (so not even the General Alarm)

I hope you can see something in the reports. I’m out of ideas


I’ve looked into it, spotted an unexpected error in rare conditions. I’ve published a new test version (2.11.14)
Please try again with that one (it may take some time until it’s available in the App Store due to caching)

Thanks for looking into it :slight_smile:

I upgraded to the new version. I could authenticate but after that it kept looking for devices and then gave a ‘network request failed’.
I removed the app, the authorized devices and rebooted Homey.

Reinstalled the app, and try to add my doorbell.
It asks to authenticate, I enter my credentials and then it hangs on ‘authenticating’ after entering my credentials. The unnamed device is added in my Ring account (not the Homey device).

Diagnostic report: 63e8ee77-2ea2-4eb0-9019-bea2028c9a83

after a couple of minutes of leaving it at ‘authenticating’ I got a error ‘pairsession_not_found’ that popped up.

Gave it another try. Disabled the app, removed authorized device, restarted app.
Authentication and adding device went ok now. Doorbell capability was also added now.
But snapshot or doorbell/motion alarm not working.

Diagnostic report: 3d2520b6-8d7e-4b21-a783-4c520ec62779

Here everything workimg flawless with the Ring Intercom. When somebody rings the bell i get an notification, thank you @DaneedeKruyff for all your work on this app

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New test version published

Test version: 2.11.16

  • Made ‘Snapshot is grabbed’ flowcard available on Camera and Doorbell

While working on the fix for the notification issues I’ve added a Snapshot is grabbed flow card to the Camera’s and Doorbells which includes a tag holding the latest snapshot.

This enables more control over which screenshot to send, making a flow possible like below without the need for conditions to select a snapshot from a particular device:

To grab a Snapshot, use the Grab current snapshot card, for example when The doorbell rings

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New version published

Version: 2.11.17

  • Adapted to changes in Ring API
  • Renamed Generic Alarm to Doorbell
  • Made ‘Snapshot is grabbed’ flowcard available on Camera and Doorbell

This is no longer a test version, but available for all users of the Ring app.

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Will this require users who have not had any issues to make changes to existing flows?

No, not necessarily.

Although, I advice users to look into the flows that use the Snapshot is grabbed flow card because the new flow cards can simplify these flows, but there’s no need as the old flow cards will keep working as before.

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Dear Danee, can you make to set the “nightlight” on and off from the chime pro?
(When someone’s ring on de doorbel then a flow put’s the nightlight on in the hall).

The general alarm card (that is now doorbell) does not seem to trigger anymore after the auto update.
It was working fine until the update.
I am using the 2019 pro with ring doorbell v2
Created bef72aa7-6ef2-4b47-9986-59687c283226 for your reference

Ring Doorbell doens’t register movement alerts to Homey anymore since update.
Movement alerts are shown in the native Ring app, but not in the Homey Ring App.

Hello, I’m trying a very basic flow: When my Unifi G4 Doorbell is pressed, make the Ring Chime do a sound.
I have registred the device with RING but the flow does not work. I have a Network Error when I test the flow:

What have I done wrong ?


That’s unfortunately not possible, there’s no API endpoint exposed to control this.