Ring Doorbell, Camera and Alarm support for Homey

What version of the app and homey are you using?
Also, which type of camera and doorbell?

app v.2.11.1 (I also used the test app : same)
Homey 12.2.1

Doorbell Pro
Pan-tilt indoor + Spotlight Plus

Well, app version 2.11.1 will indeed show problems, you need the test version to successfully get notifications. Did you follow the process to the letter, cause I’ve not seen the test version not fixing the problems for the devices you mention. (There currently still seems to be a problem with the intercom, I’m looking into that)

More important than the Homey firmware version, what Homey model do you have, Homey Pro 2016-2019 (Homey Ball) or Homey Pro 2023 (Homey Puck)?

It works finally :grinning: with the test app after half a dozen trials.
I must have missed a step somewhere.
Thanks a lot for this app :pray:

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Hi @DaneedeKruyff after a broke fiber internet connection for more than a week everything working again. Installed Experimental version on my Homey Pro (Early 2019) with version 12.2.0 for the Ring Intercom and now trigger “het algemene alarm gaat aan” does work.

So great job in fixing this. Maybe for your next release change te name as mentioned before.

**** @DaneedeKruyff have to correct myself, was over enthusiastic with the progress but found out today the trigger “het algemene alarm gaat aan” does not work.

Unfortunately this fix can not be applied to Homey Pro 2016-2019 as it is uses an older NodeJS version with which the client API isn’t compatible.

Hi there.

Does this mean you will never be able to provide a fix for this for older Homeys?

I tried switching to the official app temporarily, but I quickly realized its functionality is VERY limited :expressionless:

Well, I can’t and won’t confirm never, but I have no solution right now for older homey’s. But I will try to fix it for those as well, no promises on an ETA though.

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Thanks for all the effort you’re putting into this :slight_smile:

I might just need to accept that my old boy is getting close to retirement and think about getting a new model

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Hi @DaneedeKruyff thanks for all the efforts you are putting into this.

I am (also) using a Homey Pro 2016 - 2019 in combination with several Ring Camera’s. Several flows that are triggered by ‘Motion Alarm Turned On’, so it would be great if you can get it up-and-running again. Best regards, Jan

Do you have an estimate on when the other Ring alarm components will be added?

No, not yet. It’s a bit of a funding issue and me giving priority to trying to fix the API problems for the older homey’s

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New test version published

Test version: 2.11.6

  • Changed Generic Alarm to Doorbell
  • Code cleanup

While doing some more testing in order to get notifications going again for Homey Pro 2016-2019 I made some changes to the capability of the Ring Doorbell so it no longer identifies as the Generic Alarm but as Doorbell. So the text on the flow card now reads The doorbell rings

and the capability on the device itself now also reads Doorbell

Also included in this update, some code cleanup. I removed some extra code I introduced to troubleshoot the notification issue.

This does not mean the issue is fixed for older Homeys, it’s just code that has served its purpose and is no longer needed.

The cause of the issue is now clear to me now but unfortunately I have not found a way to resolve this. The changes made by Ring to their API require the need of a newer push-receiver module which in itself requires NodeJS version 20. Somehow this module does function on Homey Pro 2023 which runs NodeJS 18, but doesn’t function on older Homeys which use NodeJS 16. I have no way to influence the NodeJS version used by Homey but (as a last effort) I’m looking for a way around the requirement of NodeJS 20 but there is no guarantee this is possible.


Great news!

Thanks to @robertklep there now is a new (test) version available in the App Store that fixes the notification problem on all Homey Pro versions prior the Homey Pro 2023!
I have been in contact with Robert for some time and he gave me some tips what to look at and try to fix the app. But unfortunately I wasn’t able to fix it, so offered to take a look at the app. And obviously Robert was able to fix it! And that within 15 minutes after I uploaded the test code and shared it with him!

This does require you to delete the Authorized Devices in you Ring account, click here for instructions.

Here’s the details:

Test version: 2.11.12

  • Fix for Homey Pro 2016

(@Matrean @Jaap @Fire69 @Jean_S)

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I’ve been trying and testing the past half hour, but I can’t get it to work. :frowning:

I also had the official app installed, so to be sure I had the correct authorized device I deleted all the authorized devices from my Ring account.
I also removed both the official and your app, to be sure I was starting fresh.
After have not a single trace left of a Ring app/device/authorized device, I installed your app, started to add a device, authorized the app and when all was done I had a new ‘Voordeur’.
I opened the device and was greeted with a snapshot of my Ring so I was hopeful it was working.
But when I went to my Ring and stood in front of it I didn’t see the motion alarm active in the device.
I then rang my doorbell and again, nothing happened :frowning:

What I noticed than was that in your previous post you mentioned that the new capability was changed from ‘Generic Alarm’ to ‘Doorbell’. But I’m still seeing ‘Generic Alarm’. Could that have anything to do with it?

Side note: when I go into my Ring account to delete the authorized devices, I’m able to remove the ‘Homey (android)’ device without any problems, but the ‘device name not found’ refuses to go away. This is not new btw, I noticed the same issue 2 weeks ago during my testing also.
The only way to get rid of it is to select to remove ALL devices. Which is slightly annoying :laughing:

If you need me to test anything, let me know!


I think you’re not running the latest version, could you please check the version number?
You should be running 2.11.12 to get the fix. The Generic Alarm should definitely be replaced by The doorbell rings.

And yes, unfortunately you’ll have to delete ALL devices to get rid of the device name not found device in the Ring account.

Hi @DaneedeKruyff. I followed the steps as mentioned and here “The Motion Alarm turned on” is working again! Many thanks to you and @robertklep for putting time and effort into this! Best regards, Jean

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Ok, so firstly, I’m an idiot. I installed the app but forgot to add /test to the url so I installed the regular version :roll_eyes:

But now I can’t get the device added correctly. I’ve removed everything several times already but when I go check the authorized devices I only get the ‘device name not found’, not the ‘Homey’ one.
The added device only shows the ‘motion alarm’ and not the ‘doorbell’. Snapshot is not working either.

Whatever I try, it’s not added correctly.
I already tried several times to remove all authorized devices, reinstall the test app several times and reboot my Homey.

When I installed the regular version of the app, the correct authorized devices appeared right away.

Returned back to the regular version, installed the doorbell device, authorized devices were ok. I upgraded to the test-version. Then I get the ‘Doorbell’ capability. I then removed the authorized device again and reauthenticated. Again, only the ‘device not found’ was added, not the ‘Android’ one

FYI. Also here I can only use “The Motion Alarm turned on” and “The Motion Alarm turned off”. No snapshot either. In my situation these are the two most important, so I am happy with this fix.

In the device you’re also not seeing the Doorbell, only the Motion Alarm? Do you have this or without Doorbell?

Could you maybe check your authorized devices in your Ring account?


I removed the Homey (android) at the list of from Authorised Client Servers and added it again by triggering an identification request.

Homey (android) indicates as being authorised on 12/09/2024.

And a screenshot for my door bell

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