Ring Doorbell and Camera support for Homey

How to: Fix notifications

Sometimes Ring stops sending notifications to devices other than the official Ring Smartphone app. If this happens to you, or they are only working sporadically, the steps below should help.

Steps to fix notifications

  • In the official Ring App, go to the Control Center. This can be reached from the main menu, under the Account section. See this article if you are having trouble finding it
  • Click on Authorized Client Devices
  • You will now see a list of authorized devices on your account. You should remove all devices (2) associated with the Ring Doorbell and Cameras App. The devices created by this App will be listed as android devices, with names like:
    • Homey
    • Device name not found
  • Once you have removed all of the extra devices, you will need to re-authenticate at Ring
  • Restart the Ring Doorbell and Cameras App on your Homey
  • Go into any of your Ring devices and re-authenticate by clicking Try to Repair and logon.
  • Notifications should now be working :crossed_fingers: :rocket:

Click here for the original article by the author of the ring-client-api library

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