Ring Doorbell, Camera and Alarm support for Homey

Hi Arend,

Could you try to logon using the apps settings in the Developer Tools (https://tools.developer.homey.app/tools/app-settings) while you have the browser console open?

There has been one occurrence of this before, this was when the password contained a ‘special’ character, are you by any chance using a password that contains any character that isn’t regularly used (letters, numbers, simple characters)

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what stupid… indeed it does not find a € as simple character :wink:

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Ok, understood !

It’s because I try to activate it whereas some windows are opened.

In the official app, I can ignore it and accept.

It could be very nice to be able to bypass it in homey.

Do not hesitate if you need some log/tests

That will not be possible unfortunately, it’s not supported by the Api as mentioned before and also stated in the error message returned by the Api:

2023-07-12T17:29:52.571Z [log] [Api] _setLocationMode (Ring Alarm) error Error: Failed to set alarm mode to “some”. Sensors may require bypass, which can only be done in the Ring app.

Hi, I have noted that my ring doorbell pro does not communicate with Homey (early 2016 model) anymore. This happens every couple of months and normally deleting the doorbell and than including it does the trick. Now nothing seems to help anymore.
I removed the app and installed it again (in the hope that works) and I saw that the Ring app isn’t available anymore for Homey, only for Homey pro. Does that mean @DaneedeKruyff that I can’t use the app anymore?
I also tried the things you advised in post 97 (repair etc.), no luck.

All white ball Homeys are now called “Homey Pro”.

cheap upgrade then :wink:

After installing front doorbell these are the only items I get in the timeline. No other updates are received when someone walks by or rings the doorbell.

Hi @Jolink,

Some users found out it was necessary for them to use the Remove All Devices option in the Authorised Client Devices in the Ring app, please try that.

(The timeline messages form your screenshot are there because when adding the device the Movement- and Generic alarm are always set to false)

Thnx for your reply!
Not exactly sure which option you mean, within the ring app I can restart the app or in app settings revoke authentication. Do not know where remove all devices is located.
I removed all devices (just 1, doorbell pro) and removed the app to re-install it afterwards and added the doorbell again.

It’s not in the Homey Ring app, it’s in the Ring app on your smartphone, or on the Ring website.
Did you try this: Ring Doorbell and Camera support for Homey - #5 by DaneedeKruyff

New version published

Version: 2.10.27

  • Improved flowcard to set the mode of a location
  • Fixed problem with Siren Off flow card

When the Ring API returns an error on changing the location mode using a flow, the returned error is now available to the user.
Here’s how to use this function:

Thanks for reporting there was no indication what was wrong when the location couldn’t be changed @Jaype

The next fix is in the flow card Turn the siren of for supported camera’s, this function wasn’t implemented correctly so the siren was not actually turned of by using this card, this is fixed now.
(Reported on GitHub)

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Thanks a lot for your work @DaneedeKruyff
This is exactly what I need.

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That was the trick, it now works again, thnx a million @DaneedeKruyff!!

For some reason my flow does not work anymore.

The doorbell shows movement activity in the log and the play button works.
Do I need to work with a tag or so?

I am using the latest experimental version

Remove the “En…” card and see if that fixes the problem. If it does, it’s an issue with Homey’s presence.

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Unfortunately that didnt fix the issue.

Hi Marcel,

Dit you see the first Question in the FAQ? Ring Doorbell and Camera support for Homey - #2 by DaneedeKruyff
Please perform the steps linked to in the answer.

Hi @DaneedeKruyff thanks! I tried that, however it doesnt solve the issue. The device in Homey registers the movement (see picture).
Its only that the flow doesnt work. I also tried making a fresh flow.

Oh, wow, that’s a strange one.

Can you please stop the app, start it again and when you see some detected motion in the device send me a Diagnostics Report?

Did you already tried it with just a push notification in the “Dan/Then” area?