Ring Doorbell, Camera and Alarm support for Homey

App has been up and running for weeks with out any issues. Thanks!

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Thanks @Jamie, also for your donation!

@Rogier, Iā€™d like to receive some additional information, Iā€™ve sent you a PM.

After removing all devices to clear up the authenticated devices in the official Ring. Re-installing the Ring app for Homey and reconnecting all devices in Homey. All is working now. I think there was an issue with some Python authenticated devices.

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I have a Video Doorbell Pro and six cameras, a mix of Spotlight Cam, Spotlight Cam Pro, and Stick Up Cams and canā€™t seem to get motion alarms reliably. A couple of them were sending alarms but the rest were not. Thinking that I might have a similar problem to Epicurus I removed all cams, then the app, then reinstalled and now none of the cams are sending alarms. Iā€™m able to view video though so I know connectivity is in place.

One of the troubleshooting steps Iā€™ve taken is to have a flow that watches for a general alarm or motion alarm for each cam, then write the time/date to a variable.

Iā€™m going to remove everything and start over with just the doorbell and add cams once I can verify the doorbell is working as expected. Posting here in case you may have other suggestions @DaneedeKruyff . Thanks.


Most important step is to remove all Authorised Client Devices in the official Ring app and after that stop and start the Ring app on Homey to re-authorize. There is no real need to remove the app nor the devices from homey.

Please see the instructions on how to manage and remove Authorised Client Devices here: https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/15033043742740 https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/15033043742740

Thanks, that was helpful - nothing was reporting motion alerts after my reinstall until I took those steps. Ring doorbell and one cam started reporting again but stopped, and none of the others have reported any motion alerts. The camera feed works for all devices, so it would seem that authentication and connectivity are both working correctly.

I donā€™t want to hijack your main thread with my setup, but let me know if youā€™d like more details on my troubleshooting or anything youā€™d like me to try in the interest of improving device support. I was hoping to use these as additional motion sensors for Homey but can operate fine without them so itā€™s more of a curiosity than a necessity for me.

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Same problem here. Tried everything (re-install app, Ring, account, restart apps (Ring/Sonos). Nothing helped. Ring Doorbell doesnā€™t register General Alarm (in Homey) and thereform doesnā€™t start a Flow (both Standard of Advanced).
Anyone any other ideas?

Hi Peter,

Same problem, same resolution, remove the Authorised Client Devices from your account at Ring as instructed in various previous posts. Ring made some changes to their API (which isnā€™t supported for 3rd party use) so changes had to be made to the ring-client-api which this app uses. There is no other way to get it working again, removing devices in homey or removing and reinstalling will not make any difference. (Provided homey and the app are auto updating)

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I second the request. Got myself a Ring Intercom and made my 20 year old analogue Fermax intercom smart, only Homey integration is missing. Hereā€™s hope :wink: :crossed_fingers:

What is it worth to you to get Ring Intercom support?

Adding a device type to the app is quite time-consuming and of no benefit to me to be honest as I have no need for this device type. Right now there have been only 2 requests for this device so in my opinion the demand isnā€™t real high and it brings me nothing to try to add this device. For me to look at this, there needs to be some kind of incentive.

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I completely understand ā€¦ currenly I use Alexa as a workaround to trigger flows, Iā€™d however prefer to use Homey for it ā€¦ maybe @Damian_Surma is able to join whatever we can come up with . @DaneedeKruyff what would be an incentive for you?

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Hello Everybody,

Iā€™m using Homey Pro 2023, and the Ring application.
I saw that with this Ring application I can change mode.

However, creating a flow with a play button and a ring change mode, nothing happens.
The card is not in error, but nothing change.

I tried to revoke all client device in ring, and then login again in Ring Homey App.
But it doesnā€™t change.

I donā€™t know if I can find logs somewhere to try to understand.

For information, I have a ring alarm and other stuff, but I donā€™t use the Ring Security App in Homey

report (9de32fb4-0ee6-4376-b520-8422d0db12eb)

Thank for your help

Can you please show a screenshot of your flow?

Thank you, this procedure works like a charm. Everything is solved here.

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So weird ā€¦
It works now ā€¦ when creating a new one.

I created the same flow yesterday to test, and nothing happened ā€¦

Thatā€™s great,

I found this in the Diagnostics Report:

2023-07-12T17:29:52.571Z [log] [Api] _setLocationMode (Ring Alarm) error Error: Failed to set alarm mode to "some". Sensors may require bypass, which can only be done in the Ring app.

The Api returns this error, I will see if thereā€™s a way to present it to the user. Unfortunately I can not test this myself as I donā€™t have the Ring Alarm system, so I may call on you to test this.

No pro.
Let me know

I got the bug again.

I donā€™t know , but it seems to come from Ring (not being stable about the mode).

But as I donā€™t have logs, itā€™s impossible to debug.
Can I have access to the logs you have ?

If I can help.

Thank you.

Hi, itā€™s not a bug as such. It is indeed something comming back from the Ring Alarm, thereā€™s a sensor that needs bypass. Unfortunately thatā€™s something that can only be done from the official Ring app, as stated in the error message returned by the Ring Api.

I think, again I have no Ring Alarm system so I canā€™t check it, when you are not able to change the mode from Homey you fill find that when you try to change the mode via the Ring Keypad you will see (and hear) it show a warning a sensor needs a bypass before you can change the mode.

I havenā€™t yet been able to take a look at the code, but will inform you when I have.

i can not connect with my Ring account.
Used correct password, even changed it to be sureā€¦ i tried both kinds of 2FA (So sms and App) but everytime when i try to login it really shows quickly (very very very short) a 2fa page and then almost instantly goes back to the login screen and gives me ā€˜Authentication failedā€™
i have no idea what to do anymoreā€¦