Ring Doorbell and Camera support for Homey

I don’t need that image, but it would be nice to have.

The “official” App has the UI for showing the camera image and shows a spinner when tapping on it, but no camera image. So this is just “fake”/misleading since it will never show anything?

(Or did I misunderstand your reply?)

Apparently that’s the case, as Atom just replied this: :man_facepalming:

The official Ring app doesn’t support live footage at the moment and therefore also can’t show Snapshot. The community app Ring from Danee de Kruyff does support this function. Development is of course working on getting live footage to work.

New version published

Version: 2.11.0

  • Added support for Ring Intercom

Thanks to Stefan Schweiger (@staeff) the app now supports the Ring Intercom!



thanks for a great app. I have a ring doorbell. I just subscsribed to ring protect and tried to get the snabshot feature to work. I try to send the grabbed snapshot to myself as a push message. But there is no image. I have this in an advanved flow:

and run the “Grab snapshot card manually”. After a second I get a push message but no image. When I click the notification the app opens and looks like this:

I have enabled grabbing snapshots in the ring app for this doorbell. I am on a Homey Pro 2019 and have version 2.11.0 of the Ring app. PS: I have also tried to run grab a snapshot when the doorbell is actually rung, but no snapshot then either

This is the flow I use and it works fine.

so strange. The same flow does not work for me:

What type of Ring Doorbell do you have? (Not all Doorbells are capable of getting a snapshot when there is a recording active)

It’s best to use 2 flows, one that send the command to grab a snapshot when the Doorbell is rang and another one that has the Snapshot is grabbed card as a trigger and do the actual sending of the snapshot. That’s the best way to prevent timing issues.

You should however be able to see a snapshot in the device. Could you please stop and start the app, what a minute or 2 to let the app settle and next open the Ring Doorbell in the Homey Smartphone app and see what happens. If there is still no Snapshot shown, please send me a Diagnostics Report.

Strange. Does it work if you bypass the image capture and just send a message when the bell is pressed?

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Thanks for the reply’s. Yea sending a message when the doorbell is ring works

I think it is a ring video doorbell 3. Ok so I restarted and opened the doorbell in homey. No snapshot or video. Here is the report:


Unfortunately there’s nothing in the log, so it’s hard to find out what’s going on. Could you remove the Doorbell from Homey, stop and start the app and add the Doorbell again?
How is the Doorbell powered? Is it on constant power on on a battery?

@DaneedeKruyff First of all, thanks for all the great work on the app. In the thread you mention that all Ring Camera’s are supported. My gen 1 Floodlight will not show up in Homey but all other camera’s (stick up etc) do. How will I be able to select the floodlight? It doesnt show when i click " camera" after adding a new product. Tnx in advance for your reply.

@DaneedeKruyff Is it possibel to turn on and off the light of the chime pro?

Thanks for the reply @DaneedeKruyff . I did exactly as you asked. Delted the doorbell. restarted the app, and added the doorbell again. Same problem. No image.

In homey devtools under images I can see one image from the app.

When opening this image I get the error message:
“Invalid Image Buffer”

I created another report if that helps you: 0d3b778c-2d4a-47fc-84d5-915bf8a90c03

Ok so my problem was that I did not have motion detection enabled. Once I enabled motion detected the snapshots work. Thanks for all the help and a a great app @DaneedeKruyff !

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Hi again,

I try and show the snapshot on a dashboard on the wall. I use the homey cloud web api. I do get the device and it has a image property. But the image property is not updated.

Do you have any idea on how I could get the URL of the snapshot?

Dear Danny,
Is it possible to turn on/off the nightlight from the chime pro? In the ring app is it possible to turn it on or off.
I’ll will like it to turn it on by sunset through Homey.

Did your request ever get any attention? I have the same request to get the motion sensor information from Ring into Homey, for the purpose of utilizing that information to drive Flows in Homey.

The request was replied to a day later, in the second post below it.

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I am trying to add my ring camera to homey. After I fill in my username and password, the mfa key is only filable for like 5 seconds. If I dont fill it in, in that timeframe I get a generic error. If I do fill it in, in that 5 seconds, i get the message try again or leave.

What am I doing wrong?

There is nothing in the app that dictates the 5 seconds you mention. Could you please try adding the camera using the webclient at my.homey.app? Please open the browsers console and post any errors that may be shown there.