This video make me say yes to HomeyE2023
Hello guys, maybe I can give you a little hint. You can install WSA (Windows subsystem for Android) and trough ADB push your apk to you windows. Result is unbeliveable
It could have been a workarounds for the geeks amongst us, but Microsoft will stop supporting it in March 2025
Source: Windows Subsystem for Android™️ | Microsoft Learn
Yes, but:
- It does not mean that app will stop working
- New app is Google Play Juegos para PC | Android game development | Android Developers
Im expecting that it will work on this new platform.
Probably not directly but since WSA will reach it’s EOL (the one from Microsoft), it won’t receive security updates anymore and might break at any time.
This is another option that I was not aware of. Thanks for sharing.
But is this not only for Games?
Don’t get me wrong I would love a viable option to use Homey Dashboard on PC and still looking for the best options that has a future. BlueStacks seems to be a workaround that I still need to test but all these options emulating Android on Windows is a big overhead in terms of compute resources just to access the Homey dashboard.
Try to search, it’s possible to install sideload app to Google play on PC
With WSA, app is not heavy for hardware. Love this solution.
Oh there is a search, thank you i didn’t know that thing existed
If you only want a working solution against all security best practices, fine, it is your choice but it’s not going to be mine as I’m not going to host C&C on my network. I really doubt it would ever be the official position from homey either.
Being one of the most popular upvoted feature requests of all time, I wanted to highlight a couple of reasons why the Dashboard in the Web app is still a much-needed feature.
The 20% usage reported earlier does not reflect much, in my opinion. The most interesting data would be to know, of all Homey users, how many launched the Web interface at least once. If this value is very low, it confirms what I see in the community, meaning they don’t know the Web App exists.
Use cases I saw in the community:
- Homey Dashboard on older tablets
- Homey Dashboard on smart TV (LG TVs being the best use case with their Magic Remote) and other media streamer / consoles with a Web browser.
- Advanced flow which is a feature you already spent time developing but in my opinion is not well advertised (at least not in the right place)
- Homey Dashboard on Raspberry Pi Touch Display and other similar devices.
If you decide to discontinue the web interface or not giving it the love it deserves, keep in mind that the Web app is still being the only option to fix many other issues.
Adding devices not working with Mobile app but working with Web App. @martijnpoppen can confirms this as well as I have seen it being the solution for some of his apps:
[APP]PRO] Tesla - #485 by Michiel_van_Delft
[APP][Pro] TP-Link Smart Devices KASA - central topic - #211 by Sharkys
[APP][Pro] WhatsApp - Simple. Reliable. Private - #1060 by Capetrip
I can list many more but you got the idea -
Changing values for some apps where it failed with the Mobile app but works with the Web App: Aqara thermostat T1 issue on Homeypro with aqara App installed - #7 by SunBeech
Deleting some devices when it fails from the mobile app: [APP] Netatmo - Same home, just smarter. (by Athom) - #393 by Hugo
@Emile @Harwin @Doekse Let’s hope you listen to your community and reconsider this
I am also stunned by the 20% usage figure for Advanced Flows. A lot of people are seriously missing out on one of the greatest Homey features.
May I suggest/Could you please add - at least - a viewer in a browser for an Advanced Flow. I understand that interactive and edit capabilities for Advanced Flows is a lot more difficult, but how about a viewer which saves the Advanced Flow to a PDF file, scaled to fit on the page ideally, and then a link to view that PDF in a browser page.
Funny, I just stumbled upon this post, with a ‘leaked’ webapp-with-what-could-be-a-dashboard-menu-icon. 27 months ago…
Homey webapp.
Sorry for just repeating everybody else, but it is totally unbelievable waste of time to do development which only work on the app and not the web app, i do everything on my computer, and are programmer by trade. I must be a misunderstood misson to continue down the wrong lane like now. Please reconsider and make something that will be beneficial to everybody , i dont use ipad anymore , so what is the surgestion to people without ipads.
Their Phones . sorry for the harsk message but it is really waste of time. Lars
When I got the message that dashboards were released I immediately went to the web GUI, trying to find it, refresh, reload… could not. Then I realised it was app only. I use the web most of the time, would really love to see it there! I’m at my (or a) pc a lot of the time, more than mobile even. Granted, I’m old. But still
In the last Live QA (the one from today on youtube @22:50), they mentioned that it won’t arrive on the webapp anytime soon:
Harwin Borger: It is requested a lot by the community (forum).
We decided to launch it only for mobile and tablet, cause it was a lot of effort to build on multiple places.
For example if we build it on the web app as well, it will influence the speed we build things, because if we build something for the mobile app, we will have to build it for the web app as well.
And that is not something our team is large enough for at the moment.
And we think we can spend our time better for example on camera streaming.
And it will be nice, but it is not something we want to do at the moment.
… (see for a bit more the stream itself, link is time stamped)In the end it is all about priorities
One could argue if it wouldn’t have been a better choice to build a webinterface for Dashboards, instead of an in-app one.
That way there wouldn’t have been 2 development “branches” as well…
Athom said that only 20% of users use the web app, so that argument is probably pretty easy to see why to use the mobile/tablet app.
They always have been a “mobile app first” company, they even removed the web app completely when they introduced v2 of Homey firmware, only to reintroduce it after lots of complaints.
Though the web app still lags behind with a lot of features still (even before dashboards).
It’s too sad for the time they already spent on creating Advanced flow which is one the best unknown feature of Homey.
If I were Athom, under Flow in the mobile app, I would add a button “Want more Advanced Flow?” click here to receive an email with the link to the web app/Advanced Flow so they can use it later when in front of a big screen.
The location where this is being advertised is important here. I’m aware they already have a banner but it’s not the same.
There is allot of debate here, about whether or not the 20% users mentioned has anything to do with the web app and/or the promotion or use of the feature for “advanced flow”.
But let’s face it. It is not so surprising that most users wil be using Homey with a mobile phone (especially in its current form).
More importantly it is irrelevant (in particular the use of “advance flows”) for the discussion about the Dashboard on the webapp.
The one thing I’m actually missing in all the discussions and which is (in my honest oppinion) the most relevant point.
What is the use (or added value) of a dashboard on a mobile phone? It stays small, crouded, messy, cluttered, etc.
The usecases for which Homey teased and presented the Dashboards seems to have be mainly to target larger screens. I personally also don’t see much added value of a dashboard unless it can be shown on a bigger screen (e.g. laptop, tablet, TV, etc.). On my mobile phone the zones are enough for me.
There also lies the question in my opinnion… I seriously doubt most of those (larger) “devices” used for this “dashboard purpose” are actually android or apple devices…
For me it was just as surprising as some others here, to find out the dashboard was developed only for the mobile app. I was hoping to use it on one of my wall-mounted (Windows) tablets, but unfortunately I’m still stuck with the Homey->MQTT->Home Assistant dashboard solution.
We’ll have to see if Athom one day re-evaluates the priority for the web-app integration.
I totally agree.
Athom mainly seems to aim at tablets running the Homey app.
I think for our phones it’s a nice upgrade, to be able to personalise the ‘home’ screen now (imho that is).
And it’s nice to (finally) have a few fav graphs and stuff available right away.
So, you are saying there is no such thing as a Windows Homey app? (I don’t use MS stuff)
I’m using the HA dashboard + Fully browser. I don’t think I’ll replace it with Homey dashboard.
But hey, it’s just the first live version of Homey DB, who knows how it evolves in time.
I second the need of having Dashboards on web.
It’s really hard to move between phone and web when changing the settings, as some features like advanced flows are not available on mobile devices.
Also I am a developer and looking forward to start developing Homey apps, but it would be really hard to deploy something from my PC and every time I need to go to the phone to test it.
I that case you should check out the docs:
You need a connected phone where the widget runs, but you can debug in browser console on the PC.