[Request] Web interface

Although it has been mentioned by Emile that currently there will be no effort made for a Dashboard management on web I think it’s essential to have a complete experience on all devices.

I always understood that Advanced Flows on a phone would be “too hard to do” from a user experience end-point. But forcing me to go to my.homey.app changed my way of thinking…

Adding devices, changing the “devices page”, managing app and device settings and creating advanced flows is all so much easier on web and is my goto when working on my smart home.

When I’ll have to manage “one thing here” and “another thing there” the user experience degrades greatly. Again I understand that advanced flows UX/UI is nearly unusable on a phone and thus moved away to web but web is/was the “everything is there” platform.


+1 for Dashboard on the web

I understand that for people who are constantly on the go (sellers and others…) mobile device is the way to go. However, for those who work from home or those that are mostly using a PC to work, a Dashboard on the web would be a much better option.

Plus, personalizing Dashboard can be time consuming, and it would be much easier on the web.

In general, mobile phones are devices to consume content, not really to create content. Imagine a professional photographer having to do all the editing on a mobile phone… It’s partially possible but not pleasant and less effective. I think by making it available on the Web, people will spend more time creating beautiful dashboards.

That’s my 2 cents and I really hope to see this feature coming to web


To be honest, I would also like Homey Dashboards to be available on the Homey Web App. Yet we have to make choices where to spend our developers’ time.

And if you knew all other fantastic things we’re working on, I’m sure you’d prioritize those as well!


I do understand that priorities has to be made.
But maybe you can promise to put it on the roadmap? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I agree completely with this post. I use the web app to check on things multiple times a day. I barely use the mobile app once a month. Considering I have an old Homey and it won’t be free for me, I won’t be buying Dashboards if it’s only on mobile. It’s an insta buy if it ever gets released on the web app.


Also: I rooted my Galaxy Tab A9, installed Lineage OS without Google Apps and only installed Fully Kiosk Browser which isn’t dependent on Google apps. This helps speed up the tablet and save some battery.
Fully Kiosk Browser only supports web site


Fully Kiosk also makes it a breeze to turn on and off the screen tablet by motion within close approximity to the tablet. It is extremely reliable. Will also depend upon ability to display it through a website to use Dashboards for HP2019 as I would want to display it with Fully Kiosk.


Hi Emile, as I developer myself I do understand that time is limited. But finishing one project before starting on the other is a great bit of advice I could give… I btw thought that the web(app) was, like the app, build in React(-native) and thus “npx expo export” (or similar for native) :wink:

It seems you’ve got privacy friendly tracking on web, I’m guessing your stats don’t show power users (like me) using web allot?


Web app usage is less than 20% of all users. Unfortunately the codebase is not very compatible, even though we use React Native & React.

However, this also means that less than 20% of all users utilize advanced flow. A little surprising…


I also want a dashboard on web!


Does that mean over 80% of all users don’t use advanced flow?


Yup. We keep saying it, but the customers who are active online are not always representative for the average Homey user ^.^

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No I’m fully aware of that, Emile. I just imagined it was up to maybe 50% or such, not 20%.

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I guess some are using iPad apps natively on their Mac (ARM based) or BlueStacks on Windows as a workaround. Looks like I’ll have to explore that as well

@Emile this should be a good reason to enable advanced flow editing on mobile. I use a iPad 13” for editing advanced flow in the web version but that’s not ideal. I really would appreciate it in the App

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@Emile if you developed Advanced Flow’s and only 20% of the people use it that defeats your argument for not developing web dashboards, which would probably be for the same percentage of users !

Maybe the implementation of web dashboards would pull more people to the web interface and as a consequence increase the use of advanced flows !

I had hoped the Dashboards project would be a cross platform tool reflecting the cross protocol approach of Homey, for me now, the lack of web dashboards is a significant disappointment.

While i am delighted you have other development projects in the pipeline, please finish this one first !



Please be happy with the fact that homey is finally here with the HOMEY dashboard. Of course they know we want things like web (so do I) but development is not that easy and chooses needs to be made. Let’s focus on the things which are more easy in range of development and support the homey developers.



Is this based on a count of users or share of time spent?
I would assume that for several users development could be done in the web interface, while normal “consumption” is done in the app, and as consumption is (hopefully) the lion’s share of time spent this would explain the numbers if it is based on time spent.


Plus it also comes down to visibility of a feature. It would be wise to show on the Mobile app for Homey that more advanced flows are possible from the Web.

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