Would it be possible to add the option to select a dashboard to use as the Home screen?
This way all devices in the household can choose to use the same Home screen. Right now for every device i have to recreate the Home screen as it does not sync across devices.
This does not necessarily contradict the request. If the “homeboard” can be configured locally for each device, everyone can still have his personal dashboard.
Not everyone in my family wants to spend the time creating a personal dashboard, but everyone does want to be able to control the lights. And the controls available in the devices tab are too granular (every single switch is separate, and you have to click through each to adjust the dimmer settings).
AFAICT dashboards are almost completely hidden in the app (more>dashboards>specific dashboard) so they are not useful as a way to provide everyone with a way to easily open homey and control the lights.
Being able to use an existing dashboard on a user’s home page, or launch homey directly into a dashboard, or launch a honey dashboard through an entirely separate android app/widget would achieve what I want.
Make it possible to mark a dashboard as favourite (like devices and flows) and make it possible to put a tile on the homescreen (also like devices and flows.)
That is much more userfriendly than to click more, click dashboards and click a dashboard…(especially for phone users)
Hello Emile, this is not good choice. I think everyone can make a decision if he want to use existed dashboard or build new from the beginning. I changed my phone and work about hour with home screen is gone. And now? I just use only few widgets because I dont want spend time again. And with another device again. Is this that what you want?
Since I don’t want to bother with the fact that my wife and two kids have to turn in their phones when something changes or a device gets added, all our phones are using Apple Home. It’s so much easier and pretty.
Every other screen we have scattered around the house has a custom made dashboard from Home Assistent that i can change from one central location.
What do you mean exactly?
I’m aware of other systems doing the job as well, or (way) better,
but this topic is about Homey Dashboard, and on how to improve it?
Since my Family and Friends don’t want me to tell them what they should have on Favorite or Home Screen they explored themself and adjust self to heir interest and use.