I’ve been grinding away to make a Homey dashboard that’s good, reliable and customizable. Best part? It’s super easy to set up thanks to Homey’s OAuth.
ehh, i would expect this is against the community app policy, next to this, your cloud, no thank you.
but nevertheless i like the idea, not the execution
Thanks pixie, the cloud is only used to store dashboard configs for now. All other communication goes directly to your homey socket server. I only store id’s of devices, capabilities and flows nothing more.
this part is against community app policy “The first 10 licenses for alpha testing are up for grabs at 25 euros each”
next to this, if it would work without your infrastructure, and would be donation only it could work
It isn’t since this is not an app. But a third party software integrated with homey oauth. Since it isn’t an homey app it’s not getting into that app store. You have to login with a homey account on my website. This way commercial productions of a third party software is allowed. Same as lights that work woth homey you don’t get them for free do you?
But even then it’s allowed to make an app free of charge in the homey app store that communicates with my system that requires a license. Please check section 2.3 of legal on the guidelines.
For now I’ve started a discord server with all alpha testers, which you can find on the homepage.
If you don’t have discord please send me a private message.
Yes ofcours everyone can use there preferred one. Hdashboards runs completely local after your dashboard is loaded. But the one you mention is indeed completely local. I don’t know if it also support access from outside your home?
Yes, it works from outside WiFi network also. For as far as I understand it works local (without internet) when on same network, but I don’t follow all details on this part in the thread, so correct me if I am wrong…)