TileDash - an Homey dashboard

Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve been working to find a solution for a customizable Homey dashboard, and I’m happy to show you TileDash!

TileDash is a combination of TileBoard, which inspired me a lot, a project by Alexaï, and HomeyDash, for which I used the connection and communication method with Homey, developed by @Rocodamelshekima and @DaneedeKruyff
Thank you to them for their sharing.

TileDash works locally, you can customize it as you want to create your own dashboard!

I still have several things to configure, but I’ll share it with you as soon as possible.

I hope you’ll enjoy this little gift, wishing you a Merry Christmas!

EDIT 20/11/2024: v0.5 available

Enregistrement de l’écran 2023-12-24 à 05.40.19


In the early day’s of homey I wanted a screen to control my home. But until this day I only have my phone. The question is: how many times I’m going to use the screen if I have my phone.

I will follow your project. And maybe some day…

TileDash is available here!

Try it, give me your feedback!


V0.2 is available:

  • Now fits the smartphone: add mobile=true in url like http://YOUR_URL/?mobile=true&token=…

  • Adjust “portrait” orientation

  • Updated THERMOSTAT type

  • Updated SLIDER type and display value fixed

  • It is now possible to add the same device several times

  • The popup closes automatically after 20 seconds of inactivity (tell me if you want to custom this time)

  • Setting an id for the IMAGE type is no longer necessary

I’m also trying to:

  • create file/site to generate user dashboard’s file for easy configuration. (searching a solution…)
  • create tutorial for installation


If you have not server, you can aslo run it locally on your computer:

  • Download TileDash
  • Open the TileDash folder
  • Right click on index.html → open with (select your browser)
  • In web browser tab, add your token like this:

I add a dashboard-DEMO.js file.
If you want to try TilDash, you can rename this file to “dashboard.js” and replace original “dashboard.js” file.

v0.3 is available

  • Add second value for SENSOR

TileDash tool is available to create your configuration easily.

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Upload a config to modify it is now available on TileDash tool.

Great job according to me ! Just what i’ve been waiting for … not so long since I’ve bought my Homey just a week ago… I’m on eedomus for now (I’m French)

I’ve just tried TileDash, but seems not find its way to my Homey …
Got this message in Chome console : athom-api.min.js:1
GET http://homey-myID*.local/api/manager/system/ping?id=myID net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

I guess the adress should be

https ://my.homey.app/homeys/myID*/api/manager/system/ping?id=myID

I’ve got a Homey Pro 2023, peharps it’s the reason why.

Could you tell me how and where to fix this ? (I can edit some of the .js files…)

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v0.4 is available

Reease notes for v0.4

  • Flows and Advanced flows can be add on header (set them at end of dashboard.js)
  • Add possibility to disable screenSaver on mobile
  • Refresh the page when it comes back to the foreground on mobile

Gif flow mobile

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This looks really promising! Learning curve is a little bit steep, but it doesn’t seem to be very long, so I’ll cope. I just have to decide what I want to display and how to do it. :smiley:

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This looks great!
I tried installing this (v0.4) on my webserver so it’s accesible via the web. But I can’t get it to work with my Homey 2016 - 2019. I added the token, but somehow it can’t find the site properly. Without the token (url ending with index.html) it finds a site, but it is all black, but with a tiledash icon on the tab. With the token I get a 404, can’t find page. I tried replacing the dashboard.js with the demo version, but that didn’t help. What am I doing wrong?

Furthermore the Tiledashtool link isn’t working (https://tiledash-tool.000webhostapp.com/)

(image of site without token)


I have reinstall my TileDash because i have change my NAS, and it works for me, even with dashboard.js demo file.

Is your URL correct? Like:


Thanks for TileDash tool website, i will show that.

I found the Problem. Thanks.

There was a slash that shouldnt be there after the index.html.

If you could get the link to the tool working, that would be great!

Thanks a lot!

v0.5 is available:

  • Add pages
  • Add type GAUGE
  • Add 2 theme: smooth-light and smooth-dark
  • Add variable to css to customise some color (see ‘:root’ in each css)
  • Adjust slider
  • Adjust mobile vue
  • Adjust some css styles
  • Add possibility to define token in dashboard.js
  • Group name is now optionnal

The Tiledashtool link isn’t working (https://tiledash-tool.000webhostapp.com/)
Is the url wrong?

Hello Sebyldino,

I have a few further questions.

  • How can I update to version V5.0 in a simple way? What files do I need to overwrite?
  • My thermostat is the Google nest. Some values do not work.
  • onOffCapabilityID: “nest_thermostat_mode” is heat or off
  • heatingCapabilityID: “nest_thermostat_hvac” is off or heating
  • there is also an ECO mode, it would be nice to have an on/off button for that too (nest_thermostat_eco true, false)
  • there is also a humidity function, could the tile report that too?

It would be nice we could also add graphs from the ‘Insights’ of an app to be viewed in a ‘box’.
This could be donde using the web API from the developer tools.

You could use this tool: Micro Web Server App voor Homey | Homey
Using teh webapi Homey Developer Tools you could get data and post it.
Or maybe somehouw we could just use the link directly?

is only valid up to version v0.4 with the exception of flows. I won’t put it back online because it takes too much time to update TileDash and then TileDash Tool. I thought it would be a good idea but too time consuming. Sorry. (But i will publish the actual version it on github because it can works simply in a browser).

First make a full backup. Then replace all js, css and html files except dashboard.js file.
And update dashboard.js file to support pages and adjust ‘settings’ section:
Actually your dashboard.js look like this:

const dashboard = [
  {/* group 1*/},
  {/* group 2*/},

and must now be:

const dashboard = [
  {// page 1
    icon: 'mdi-home', // optionnal
    group: [
      {/* group 1*/},
      {/* group 2*/},
  {// page 2
    icon: 'mdi-home', // optionnal
    group: [
      {/* group 1*/},
      {/* group 2*/},
// you can define only 1 page and comment 'icon' to have same 
// look of previous TileDash version

and for settings section, you can add the 2 last lines but it’s optionnal. 1 is to define token and the other to have a clear header on mobile.

Can you share me, in private message, the values of Nest thermostat found in the developper tools. I can work to integrate it.

I’m working on adding insights. I will update as soon as it is done.

Yes i saw that. I dont know if TileDash can run on it. It will be try…