"Reportable" attributes not beeing reported - Zigbee

My latest purchase is a Zigbee 3.0 Puck, that controls the on/off (onoff) state, as well as current power consumption(measure_power) and overall consumption (meter_power) (since installation/factory reset).

The device showed up as a generic device, but the values were all wrong for the “meter_power” capability, and completly missing for measure_power.

Anyway - I wanted to use this as a test device for looking into how to create custom drivers.
So i did an interview with the device, and it shows me all the expected properties, so.i can use readAttributes to get them. I can also customize the registerCapability, with a custom config, and then run getCapabilityValue, and see the finished results on screen.

But, this never gets updated, unless i setup a time interval that constantly polls the device myself.

Homey doesnt seem to respect the pollInterval property (never polls the device), and the device doesnt seem to respect the min/max interval for reporting the attribute back to me.

I also tried with the event listener directly on the cluster

      (val) => {
        // handle reported attribute value
        console.log('Received currentSummationDelivered: ', val);

and the configureAttributeReporting

    await this.configureAttributeReporting([
        endpointId: 1,
        cluster: CLUSTER.METERING,
        attributeName: 'instantaneousDemand',
        minInterval: 1,
        maxInterval: 61,
        minChange: 0,
        endpointId: 1,
        cluster: CLUSTER.METERING,
        attributeName: 'currentSummationDelivered',
        minInterval: 1,
        maxInterval: 61,
        minChange: 0,
    ]).catch((err: any) => this.error('Error: ', err));

Heres a GIST of the interview done:

and the this.getNode() result:

Node: 56414bc7-626c-4a79-a44f-593bca320106
- Receive when idle: true
- Endpoints: 1
-- Clusters:
--- basic
--- identify
--- groups
--- scenes
--- onOff
--- onOffSwitch
--- metering
--- diagnostics

Any pointers as to what i am doing wrong here? How to i get the capabilities updated by the device itself? Without having to set up a setTimeout/setInterval withing the app that polls it every second?