Zigbee attribute reporting issue on Smart Charger APP


I am trying to develop an app for a smart charger, and most of the basic stuff works. But I can’t seem to get Homey’s energy and power to display in the mobile app.

I can manually read the value of both measure_power and meter_power, to just log them out or use in flow cards. But actually just simply reporting that to Homey does not work.

I might’ve just completely misunderstood how the reporting work, but here is the current code that I am testing with.

'use strict';

const { ZigBeeDevice } = require('homey-zigbeedriver');
const { CLUSTER, debug } = require('zigbee-clusters');



class Device extends ZigBeeDevice {

  async onNodeInit({ zclNode }) {
    /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Debug log
    /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    const energyValue = await zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters[CLUSTER.METERING.NAME].readAttributes(['currentSummationDelivered']).catch((err) => {
      this.error('Error reading currentSummationDelivered attribute:', err);
      return null; // Return null in case of an error
    this.log('energy value', energyValue);

    const powerValue = await zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters[CLUSTER.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT.NAME]
      .catch((err) => {
        this.error('Error reading activePower attribute:', err);
        return null; // Return null in case of an error
    this.log('power value', powerValue);

    /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Register attribute reporting
    /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    if (this.hasCapability('meter_power')) {
      this.registerCapability('meter_power', CLUSTER.METERING);
    } else {
      this.log('Meter power capability not available on this device.');

    if (this.hasCapability('measure_power')) {
      this.registerCapability('measure_power', CLUSTER.METERING);
    } else {
      this.log('Measure power capability not available on this device.');

    await this.configureAttributeReporting([
        endpointId: 1,
        cluster: CLUSTER.METERING,
        attributeName: 'currentSummationDelivered',
        minInterval: 0,
        maxInterval: 300,
        minChange: 0,
        endpointId: 1,
        attributeName: 'activePower',
        minInterval: 0,
        maxInterval: 300,
        minChange: 0,
    ]).catch((err) => {

    // /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // // Register attribute listeners
    // /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters[CLUSTER.ON_OFF.NAME].on('attr.onOff', async (value) => {
    //   this.log('onOff attribute reporting', value);
    // });
    zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters[CLUSTER.METERING.NAME].on('attr.currentSummationDelivered', async (value) => {
      this.log('currentSummationDelivered attribute reporting', value);

    zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters[CLUSTER.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT.NAME].on('attr.activePower', async (value) => {
      this.log('activePower attribute reporting', value);

    /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Register onoff capability listener
    /// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    this.registerCapabilityListener('onoff', async (value) => {
      this.log('onoff', value);

      if (value) {
        await zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters.onOff.setOn();
        // await this.triggerFlow({
        //   id: 'charging-starts',
        //   tokens: {
        //     energy: this.getCapabilityValue('meter_power'),
        //     power: this.getCapabilityValue('measure_power'),
        //   },
        // });
        this.log('onoff result');
      } else {
        await zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters.onOff.setOff();

        const energy = await this.getEnergy();
        this.log('energy', energy);

        // const powerValue = await zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters[CLUSTER.ELECTRICAL_MEASUREMENT]
        //   .readAttributes(['activePower'])
        //   .catch((err) => {
        //     this.error('Error reading activePower attribute:', err);
        //     return null; // Return null in case of an error
        //   });
        // this.log('power value', powerValue);
        // const energyValue = await zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters[CLUSTER.METERING]
        //   .readAttributes(['currentSummationDelivered'])
        //   .catch((err) => {
        //     this.error('Error reading currentSummationDelivered attribute:', err);
        //     return null; // Return null in case of an error
        //   });
        // this.log('energy value', energyValue);
        // this.log('power value', value);
        // await this.triggerFlow({
        //   id: 'charging-stops',
        //   tokens: {
        //     energy: this.getCapabilityValue('meter_power'),
        //     power: this.getCapabilityValue('measure_power'),
        //   },
        // });
        this.log('onoff result');

    this.registerCapabilityListener('dim', async (value) => {
      this.log('dim', value);

      if (typeof value === 'number' && value >= 0 && value <= 1) {
        await zclNode.endpoints[1].clusters.levelControl.moveToLevel({
          level: value * 255,
          transitionTime: DIM_TRANSITION_TIME,


module.exports = Device;

And the driver compose

  "name": {
    "en": "NAME-Smart Charger"
  "class": "socket",
  "capabilities": [
  "platforms": [
  "zigbee": {
    "manufacturerName": "MANUFACTURER_NAME",
    "productId": ["NAME"],
    "endpoints": {
      "1": {
        "clusters": [
    "learnmode": {
      "image": "/drivers/my_driver/assets/learnmode.svg",
      "instruction": {
        "en": "Hold the button for 10 seconds until the light bar turns pink, then press the button on your device three times"
  "pair": [
      "id": "list_devices",
      "template": "list_devices",
      "navigation": {
        "next": "add_devices"

      "id": "add_devices",
      "template": "add_devices"
  "images": {
    "small": "{{driverAssetsPath}}/images/small.png",
    "large": "{{driverAssetsPath}}/images/large.png",
    "xlarge": "{{driverAssetsPath}}/images/xlarge.png"