Remove old Homey

I bought a new Homey Pro and would like to delete the “old” Homey from my account. I read that I have to ask Athom. Someone wrote that I should hold the alt-key and hover above the old Homey and a delete button should appear, but that didn’t happen on my computer. Any tips ? Thank you in advance.

Welcome to the Community,

Guess you are referring to old information, that might not be the case anymore.
have you already reset the Old Homey to Factory defaults?

If I remember correct it should disappear from your account then.

The Alt-Key trick is only on the old V1.x interface My Athom
AND only when homey is offline! (And maybe only for Homey v1.x ??)

If it didn’t work, by factory reset your Homey pleas contact Athom Support:

Hi Geurt,

Thank you so much for your information. My problem has been solved.

