Receive Push once en not time after time

I’ve created a flow, one witch tells you when its below 0 degrees is outside. I think the flow i have created will give me mutiple push messages when the “temp has changed”
what can i do to receive the push in, lets say a period of 8 hours

You could for example add a “disable flow card” to your existing flow and another “enable flow card” to your flow reactivating it after a set delay.
This would work without any additional apps.
If you want more flexibility you could toy with one of the timer apps in the app store.

I am unsure, it might need the experimental features be activated in the homey settings to get those cards. I don’t remember whether they are there by default.

thanks for the tip. after one push i disable the 1 st flow in an second flow and start it after 300 minutes, so than i get a new push message. once pro 5 hours

There is no need to use 2 flows as @Shakesbeard already explained.
Even if the flow is deactivated, the flow is automatically reactivated after 5 hours.
Try it with a flow with deactivation and activation after some seconds.

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