Qubino ZMNHTD1 stop reporting!


I have a problem with my Qubino ZMNHTD1.
It worked fine for weeks and now the import meter in kWh stop every day in the night.
I have to restart the Qubino app to get data again.

Power reporting settings : power report on power change : 50 ; power reporting interval : 60.

I reset the kwh value every midnight and i export it in Logic Homey.

It seem to stop reporting after the water heating system stop working (midnight > 3/4h.)


Cant even add it, special procedure?

You mean you can’t add it in Homey ?

Yes, just hopeless! Tried manually, sometimes nr 1 goes green, but nr 2! I have added a lot of devices, but this thing, god damn.

Range within 50 cm.

I added it a long time ago, without any problem… :thinking:

no problem adding it to pc z-wave dongle and z-wave controller, but Homey nope…

And no qubino firmware support…suspect crap app