Hi there,
I bought a Qubino smart plug (ZMNHYD) and added it to the Zwave network. Although I am able to switch the smart plug on and off, the homey app doesn’t show power consumption updates.
Homey firmware: 4.2.0.
I checked Homey Developer ZWAVE logging when setting parameters 40 and 42 (42 for setting the Interval in seconds in which the power consumption in Watts is reported to Homey). I noticed that:
- commands are sent and
- setting parameter 40 to 60 (seconds) results in a ZWAVE logging per minute.
It seems that the smart plug is working, but the app shows no power values. Implemented flows do not trigger either. What did I do wrong or how can I fix this?
What I noticed is that the flag is “Unreachable” or “-”. Is security missing? The manual mentions that security is supported by the smart plug, but is it necessary and if so how can I set/implement it?
Thanks in advance,