I just want to express my joy regarding the fact that the Qubino Flush Shutter (DC) zmnhod1 finally works!
Apparantly bug https://github.com/athombv/homey/issues/1317 is closed, so I cannot report it over there, but including, calibrating and controlling all works!
- Homey 2.0.1(rc2)
- Qubino 2.0.7 beta
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Hi, does the positioning works as well for you please?
Thank you.
yes, all is working fine:
- in flows (everyday)
- and manually via the app
the first time you have to do a calibration, have you found that?
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I also have some Qubino Flush Shutter modules. But the product ID is ZMNHCD1 (not ZMNHOD1).
How do I get these in?
Just try to Include as a general z-wave device
Robb Shop says; Compatible met Homey Ja
If it does include as a general device, then note the device figures that are shown and post them to Atom, so they can include them in the App.
I included it as a general device. I can only turn it on and off:-D
Have you installed the beta version (Version 2.0.0+) of Qubino, since then support for the ZMNHCD and ZMNHOD has been added: https://github.com/athombv/com.qubino/tree/beta
No, Version 1.1.8 is installed. I need this qubino devices:
- Qubino ZMNHCD1 Flush Shutter Module
- Qubino ZMNHSD1 DIN Dimmer Module
And I found both devices in the Changelog! Great! I will test right now. Thank you!
After the update to Version 2.0.10 all qubino devices are in “Device starts” mode. A reboot of app and of homey didn’t do anything.
I don’t want to include all 20 Qubino devices