Qubino Flush 1d relais

Hello everybody,

I need a ltiitle bit of help.

We are using infrared panels to heat our bedrooms. I have three panels which are switched on by Qubino flush 1d relays. I have a temperature sensor in every room and a virtual thermostat to automate the relays. Worked fine in all rooms. Now that it is getting colder the childrens wanted to switch on the heating again. The ralay in my daughters room stays on for 7 seconds and switches of automatically. The relay in my son’s room doesn’t react at all. So i’ve decided to take the relays out, deregister them from homey and register again. Now both relays do the same; They switch off after two seconds, this is done by qubino.

Anyone familiar with this problem?

Sounds like overload protection to me. How are the IR panels rated and what is the maximum load for the flush relay?

@Edwin_D, was my suggestion too. Panels are rated at 1130W- 230V. Relay is rated at 2300W-230V. Furthermore, i have 3 panels in the same setup, one is working fine. the other two aren’t.

I can’t get passed the sugggestion that it is an overload protection too. However, why is this happening in two panels and not in the third? Can it be that the qubino is thinking it is in 24V mode?

Or should i have chosen another switch instead of a relay?

Have a look in the advance settings, maybe a lower alowed power is set or the relay is programmed as a pulse-relay and is thou switching off after a set time.

Found something that shouldn’t happen. It did however. I tried excluding the relay from homey using the pressing three times method. Didn’t work. Homey excluded the device automatically after 30 seconds.

Then I included the device again using the same method. Pressed the button 3 times, inclusion started. After the first time you have to press the button three times again. Nothing happened. The inclusion method for 12V worked (pressing the button for 2-6 seconds. The stupid thing is, the relay works again, no automatic power offs and my multimeter says 238V to the device.

Not clear however why the low voltage method works and leads to good results for 240V.

Have the same behaviour seen with some of my devices, now I’m mostly using the “power-up” methode for including.

I just did a reset of the other device by pressing 10 seconds. Works like a charm.

conclusion, device was in low voltage setting. Just reinvented itself and started working like a higher voltage device.

I’ll keep that in mind!

Thanks for all your help, good to see that we have an active community ready to help each other!

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