Qubino 3-phase smart meter - Homey Energy

Hi Jonas

It’s a problem in Homey Energy with every device that is defined by its manufactor as a ‘Home Energy Meter’. I use Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5 and same problem there. I opened support tickets with Homey, Aeotec and Qubino back in july 2022 and none of them are intrested in either understanding or solving the problem.

But I have a solution, it might not be the best one, but a working one.

  1. Uncheck ‘include in home’ for your Home Energy Meter.

  2. Create a new Device in Virtual Devices with just Power (Effekt - W) and move it to the zone where you would like to have it.

Elpannan - Aeotec

Elpannan - Virtual Device

  1. Create a flow that starts when Power is changed and update Power on your Virtual Device.

  2. You can now se your virtual device in Homey Energy with the correct Power in the correct zone.

I Homey reads this …

  1. Please add to every device with Power an option to show/hide from Homey Energy.
  2. Please add to every device with Power an option to enable/disable the device to be handled as a Home Energy Meter.
    [Feature request] Excluding zones and devices from Homey Energy - Ideas & Suggestions - Homey Community Forum