Qubino 3-phase smart meter - Homey Energy

One last idea…
The device has more than one measure_power because of the phases and the cumulated value, right?
So there is one measure_power capability and 3 subcapabilities (I would assume).

But Homey only takes the main capability in account, not the subcapabilities.
So if the Quibino only provides consumer usage via subcapabilities and not cumulated in main capability, it will not show up in energy view.

I already asked about that on Slack.

So it could be related.


No! Each single device, main, phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3 can or can not be included in the total consumption, but only as "SPECIFIC_TYPE_WHOLE_HOME_METER_SIMPLE", and not as “normal” device/consumer like lamp or boiler.

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Thanks for your efforts!

I think I have tried about everything, every setting, that I have the possibility to change…

Let’s hope Qubino or @TedTolboom gets back to me, promise to give an update if I get it sorted :blush:

Update. I just today installed a Cubino 1-phase meter today aswell, on my AC. This one also classifyed as a Whole house meter! Unless you live in a treehouse this sound very strange to me…

I´m currently in contact with both Cubino and Homey and trying figure out a sollution, or at least an explanation…

To be continued…

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I don’t mean to be a smartass, but that was to be expected.

@Jonas_Hakansson I am interested to hear the feedback you get from Qubino/Athom. I am in the same situation as you - I already have a Tibber Pulse that measures the total house consumption, and I am considering buying the Qubino 3-phase Meter to measure my heating pump consumption (and thus I want the Qubino meter to report consumption as a single device, just like you).

I have not found any other Homey compatible meters that support 3-phase without neutral (Norway), so I am very interested in this.

I’ve got the following response from Homey:

“I will put this through to our development team and see what they can do. At the the moment we are focusing on developing the new version of the Homey Pro and the new version of the app. I will create a feature request to be able to select wether or not a energy measuring devices is a whole house meter or consumer.

Please keep in mind that we cannot give any guarantees on if and when we will implement your suggestions, as there is already quite the development roadmap laid out. That being said, your request is definitely noted and will be discussed.”

The product works fine by itself. It’s only the homey energy feature that’s not compatible at this moment…
We will have to wait and see :slight_smile:

*edit - just read that this already has been mentioned *

Hi. I don’t know if I miss understood the question but can’t this already be done in the homey app?

Under energy tab go into he specific qubino device, clicks settings and you’ll get this (I believe your Swedish so I’ll don’t translate the print screen, hope that’s ok)

I have like you a total consumption using the p1 interface and also have a spa connected through a qubino 3 phase and I exclude the spa from the total using this function

Hi Jonas

It’s a problem in Homey Energy with every device that is defined by its manufactor as a ‘Home Energy Meter’. I use Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5 and same problem there. I opened support tickets with Homey, Aeotec and Qubino back in july 2022 and none of them are intrested in either understanding or solving the problem.

But I have a solution, it might not be the best one, but a working one.

  1. Uncheck ‘include in home’ for your Home Energy Meter.

  2. Create a new Device in Virtual Devices with just Power (Effekt - W) and move it to the zone where you would like to have it.

Elpannan - Aeotec

Elpannan - Virtual Device

  1. Create a flow that starts when Power is changed and update Power on your Virtual Device.

  2. You can now se your virtual device in Homey Energy with the correct Power in the correct zone.

I Homey reads this …

  1. Please add to every device with Power an option to show/hide from Homey Energy.
  2. Please add to every device with Power an option to enable/disable the device to be handled as a Home Energy Meter.
    [Feature request] Excluding zones and devices from Homey Energy - Ideas & Suggestions - Homey Community Forum

Thank you!
This solved it, unfortunaltly, as you say, I got another two devices, and another flow wich could have been avoided…

Anyway, i guess we will have to settle with this if we want to use the Energy module.


Hi Jonas,
Did you ever get this solved the right way?

Hi, I am having the same problem. We have four qubinos, which I added at the same time when we bought the hose. They measure a variety of things, heat pump, pool heater, car charger etc.

To measure the hose total we use a Tibber Pulse which is connected to the house main power meter.

I have the same problem as the thread starter, the qubinos are all registering as smart meter, and can’t be changed through the homey interface. I use a Homey Bridge, and don’t have access to virtual devices, so I can’t use the workaround presenterd in this thread.

I find it utterly useless that power meters can’t be configured properly through homey, since neither qubino or homey or the consumer know before hand what it will measure. Maybe the whole house, maybe a single consumer device. Therefor it is a basic requirement that this has to be configurable, not by a z wave profile at the discression of the manufacturer, but through homey itself. I think Homey put too much trust in the hands of the manufacturer.

I plan to add another qubino to measure solar production in real time, since the solar edge API only give me readings every 15 minutes, and I want homey energy to display real time info, I guess I can’t do that either?


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I totally agree with you.
But sometimes, unfortunately, just because you’re right, your problems won’t be solved. :slight_smile:

I was in the same position as you but with the Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5. I opened another support ticket with them, and this time I got a hit on the right person, and a few weeks later there was a new version of the Aeotec app, with support for choosing what type of meter it should represent.

Homey App Changelog : Aeotec Help Desk (freshdesk.com)

So my best suggestion for you is to submit support tickets to Quibino about your needs and that they need to make sure that you can choose between measuring for the whole house or for a single piece of equipment. Preferably with reference to the fact that both Aeotec and Youless and Enelogic support it, and that Quibion is getting a bit lonely :slight_smile: If you want, you can get a copy of the email I wrote to Aeotec support so that they became aware of the problem and chose to fix it.

So it’s certainly possible for Qubino to do the same with its app.

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Correct, that is the way. But it’s easier to complain.

Excuse me sir? Are you referring to my post? I think you are confusing constructive criticism with “complaining’”. I have written to both Qubino and Homey about this matter, and guess what they replied:


Hello Henrik,
Thank you very much for reaching out to us,
As you mentioned this should be handled by the gateway and not from our device. Under the Z-Wave standard the device must be determined as a Energy meter that’s it for us. In the gateway the customer should have the ability to specify which energy meter source is used for what. In the gateway should be an option to exclude or add the devices to the total count. If the gateway don’t have this ability we can’t do much. You - the customer should write to Homey asking why on earth they didn’t set this in the gateway.
I hope I was able to help you, if you have any additional questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
Best regards,
Igor, Technical support

and then Athom:

Hi Henrik,
Thanks for reaching out to our support and thinking along with us!
I have taken the liberty to add your request to our internal list for feature requests, as this functionality has been suggested before. The more people that want a specific feature the more important it will become for us to realize it. (A little inside scoop: Development is working on a Energy feature that will hopefully allow you to do so).
Please keep in mind that we cannot give any guarantees on if and when we will implement your suggestions, as there is already quite the development roadmap laid out. That being said, your request is definitely noted and will be discussed.
Thanks again for your input, we appreciate it!
I wish you a great day and lots of fun with Homey!
Best Regards,
Athom Support

so basically Qubino points to Athom, and Athom just tell us to be patient and wait.

I don’t think anyone here just write stuff to “compain”. We think it is a great product (hence thats why we use it) but it is severely lacking in terms of functionality in certain areas that never should have been released in the first place…


Everything is certainly possible, but it seems Qubino doesn’t care and just puts all responsibility back to Athom…

Thanks for your insight about the other apps though.


Yes sir, I’m referring to your post.

“utterly useless” and “it is a basic requirement” is not constructive criticism, it is complaining. It’s your demand for how certain things should work. At the same time, it’s a clear sign that Athom and Qubino are too stupid.

After you learned from @RickardDehlin that Aeotec is able to change their apps so that you can change the energy method, did you write to Qubino again?

What you accuse Athom and Qubino of, I could also accuse you of: Why didn’t you inform yourself properly beforehand?

Hi, any news on this?
I’m thinking of bying a Qubino 3-phase meter to measure my boiler consumtion, and also have the Pulse already meauring the whole house consumption so I guess I will run into the sama problem as you have.
Have Qubino finally got their act togheteher and added the option to chose the type of power meter or is it still the “flow solution” that need to be set up to measure the energy correct.

Or have oneone found another equal (or better) product that do this “the right way”?

Goedeavond heren,

Weet een van jullie of deze Qubino 3-phase smart meter uitslaat (en uitblijft) als er een stroomuitval is? En ook of de schakelaar helemaal uitslaat als er 1 of 2 fases stroomuitval hebben?

Ik hoor het graag.

Dank Richard

Good evening gentlemen,

Do any of you know if this Qubino 3-phase smart meter turns off (and stays off) when there is a power outage? And also whether the switch turns off completely when 1 or 2 phases have power outages?

I would love to hear about it.

Thanks Richard

(Translated via deepl.com by @DirkG)

Welcome Richard,

the Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter is “just” a smart meter without any relays. So it can’t be switched on/off.