Problem with the insights graphs

Hello, on my HOMEY PRO HP 2023, I have a problem with the insights graphs, when I place an ishights on the right it is created without problem but none remain in memory, when I return to the graphs: nothing more!!! .
So I did a complete reset and restored a backup, but it’s the same.
Thank you for your help

That’s how Insights have always worked, their state isn’t persistent.

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Guess you use the Insight on the WebApp?

After selecting and/or combining you can bookmark it in your browser:

will look something like this: https[:]//

and then return to it through using the bookmark


Hello ok thank you for this information .
Have à good day

Hello , thank you for this solution , i test it .
Have a good day

Your solution works, thank you, it’s a shame that the graphics are ephemeral. I think it would have been wise to have them permanently.