Insight trand

Hi there!
I’m getting some issues with Insight.
The graph doesn’t display the data trend but just a point on the right side of the chart.
The dot point moves up and down following the instant data value, but the line is not drawn.
Any suggestion?

I’m Homey’s newbie; I hope to haven’t forgotten some configuration steps taken by the enthusiasm to try my new toy :sweat_smile:

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Hi, I havent seen that phenomenon.
Which Homey? Cloud or Pro?
To check if it’s browser related or not:
Did you try an other browser?
Did you try day/night mode?
Did you try on an other device?

Hi Peter,
First, thanks for your reply.


  • Homey Pro.
  • WebApp on Win10 - Firefox, Chrome, MS Edge - Apple, Chrome - Mobile App on Android, Chrome, DuckDuck.
  • Switching on day/night mode as a time base doesn’t change the results.
  • Device - I currently have two devices, Qubino Flush 1 relay ZMNHAD and Fibaro Motion Sensor. Same story.

I had previously installed Homey cloud beta.
To avoid any possible oddity, I deleted my account, generated a new one, reset Homey Pro, and… no way, no trend on my display.

Below is an example of CSV Exprting data attempt


Hi Claudio, thanx for your extensive description.
I almost don’t dare to say, but is it possible exactly those two mentioned devices have a glitch in their apps?
What does the device history say? Is that empty too?

What is the result for those 2 devices if you run this script in HomeyScript?

// List OnOff history 
let allDevices = await Homey.insights.getLogs() 
let onoffDevices = allDevices.filter(function (capability){

onoffDevices.forEach(async (device) => { 
  let deviceData = await Homey.insights.getLogEntries({uri: device.uri, id:}) 
  deviceData.values.forEach( value => { 
      let dateTime = value.t.replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, '')
      console.log('"' + + '"' + ',',dateTime + '(UTC),',value.v + ',','"' + value.originName + '"') 

I just tested also with Archive Insights with a random device, but it’s sort of the same query as the device date from the above
Screenshot from 2022-02-21 09-58-42
This result comes from the NetScan app, monitoring my phone. Maybe you can install it as a test?


1-each device history is full of details and events

2-below the script return

:white_check_mark: Script Success

:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Returned: true

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 17:40:17(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 17:40:18(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 17:40:30(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 17:40:31(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 17:42:39(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:13:48(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:13:50(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:14:05(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:14:06(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:53:49(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:53:50(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:58:24(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 18:59:11(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 20:25:14(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 21:51:56(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 21:51:58(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 21:52:02(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 21:52:08(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 21:52:16(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 22:57:57(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 22:58:07(UTC), false, “Timer”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 22:58:40(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 22:58:50(UTC), false, “Timer”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 23:02:14(UTC), true, “Lampada - Auto On”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-20 23:02:44(UTC), false, “Timer”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:54:52(UTC), true, “Lampada - Auto On”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:55:22(UTC), false, “Timer”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:56:04(UTC), true, “Lampada - Auto On”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:56:34(UTC), false, “Timer”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:57:57(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:58:00(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:58:09(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:58:19(UTC), false, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:58:20(UTC), true, “Lampada - Auto On”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 04:58:50(UTC), false, “Timer”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 13:56:53(UTC), true, “null”

“Flush 1 Relay (ZMNHAD)”, 2022-02-21 13:56:54(UTC), false, “null”

3-Net Scan installed on my phone. Let me know what I have to check.
If you think of a Network/Router setting, consider that I had momentarily disabled any firewall.

Thanks a lot

You’re welcome, Claudio.

Your devices OnOff history is being recorded OK.
So the “Netscan thing” is not needed.
It is just the graph line itself which seems to be hidden, or the same color as the page background.

Did you inform Athom already about this?

Regards, Peter

In my opinion, it isn’t a color plot problem.
Variating the power consumption through a dimmer, instant value is updated correctly, but history trend remains not plotted.

I’m proceeding with requesting Athom’s support.
I hope to update this thread with a solution for those facing the same issue in the future.

Thanks for your time!

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The solution.

When I was about to return the product, the unexpected happened, an electrical blackout at my house.
At reboot, surprise, Insight started working correctly.

I have not identified the problem route cause.
Maybe it depended on my router. We will never know…
The only certainty is that the power cycle solves, as usual, 90% of the software problems! :smiley:

Thanks to Athom and @Peter_Kawa for their support. :pray:

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