[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Yes, that’s right

:blush: :blush: I used off. Did not even think of using none :thinking: :blush: Thanks.

As probably noticed my css is thanks to Google, this forumpost and trying. Result is:

When playing Spotify it ofcourse shows Song and artist in the widget (in a single line)

v 0.240521.1

  • Added LockWidget @Daniel-567219 check if work
  • Added new compatibility in Thermostat Widget @Daniel-567219 check if work
  • Graphics optimization for the LightRGBWidget

can you explain it better?

I have it sett up so when someone pressed the doorbell, NSPanel changes to a screen with video from RTSP stream on and sets the video widget variabel to YES. that makes the video go in to fullscreen. But the NSPanel don’t turn on, and when I turn it on it starts losing the video but use 5-10s to get det stream up. The stream has 3-4s delay because of video path, but if smartDash would start the stream when the screen is off, it possible that the stream will be playing when NSPanel turns on?

ah ok.
Actually you only use the boolean variable for autoplay in rtsp player setting but the panel must be visible.
I’m rewriting dashboard for best implementing the Homey variable for control panel, when i completed this step the rtsp player can be synchronized.
Have to wait some time :sweat_smile:

there is no possibility to turn the screen automatically on?

For instance by using Fully Kiosk Browser??

The LockWidget works perfekt

Like to have the power button on the thermostat widget, but can’t turn it off, only on? also cant change mode from heat to cool and cant change the fan since it isn’t an slider.

Go in develop tool and check the enum values for target_ac_mode1

In next update i add the fan slider

didn’t quite understand what you wanted me to do but hers what I found in developer tool.
Added fanMode so its easier to understand what I ment when I said that the fan wasn’t a slider.

perfect, infos are ok :+1:

in case some other users also looking for ways to enhance the dashboard with images: I use https://postimages.org/ for using images as background for some widgets. No account needed

@diapolon Can you have a look at the refresh time for iframe in screensaver?

What ever value I set it to it always is 1 min.

v 0.240522.2

  • Added new compatibility in Thermostat Widget @Daniel-567219 check if work target_ac_mode1. If it’s ok i add the fan command
  • Added ability to set BlindCurtain in horizontal

You are right.
The refresh is not implemented: the screensaver is updated every 60sec and the iframe refresh is used only for enabled or disabled. In next update i change the value (disabled and enabled only) and in the future i implement the refresh

Can’t update?

retry now, i changed the file

It works :grin:

Can you share a photo from Homey app when manage the fan speed?