[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Maybe an automatic layout choosing is impossible to manage and the solution can be to choose the layout to use (default, horizontal, Vertical, mini, etc )

Try This, go in smart dash, section devices and open your speaker.In capabilities next and previous are present?

In my case; i do not see it in Smartdash but in Homey they are present

Same for me. See also [Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey - #1370 by Amersfoort

When not used it has value null, but itā€™s a boolean it should have true or falseā€¦

I have tested it with the Homey app and Homey Develop Tools. In both cases I could manage going to prev. or next track. The boolean values for both was and stayed none in Homey. Maybe the value only changes for a very short time, which is not visible in the apps. When the values stayed true, the tracks would skip continuously.

I found the mistakeā€¦ next and previous have the lastUpdated field at null and i have removed the capability not updated. i restored it and now work!

What is the status right now? Do you have the possibility to redefine the (Generic)Speaker widget for more screen efficiencyā€¦ What is on the to do list for this widget? What can when be tested?
I want to prevent testing at the same time you are (re-)programming the same software part.

In next version i redefined the name. Generic remain only for GenericCapability.
I have added a theme choose option (default, horizontal, vertical, mini, for now) for Widget Speaker and fixed the next/previous button.
After the releasing we fix the single themes!

v 0.240516.1

  • Optimized the GenericSpeaker Widget. Added a new option for choosing the layout (actually default, horizontal, vertical and mini). Fixed prev & next buttons, Optimized volume slider length
    @Amersfoort, @Hielke_de_Jong need testing
  • Removed Generic prefix from widget name (except from GenericCapability)

This widget is much better:
This is a 4x2 widget and some CSS.

How can I move the play bar time, the buttons and the size/height of volume bar with CSS? The volume bar and buttons are very close (in serveral case already unwanted high volume). I can use 4x3 widget, but that doesnā€™t have this screen efficiency.

The names of the widgets are better (no Generic prefix). For the finishing touch: please check the alphabetical order.

Idea: replace music icon with (transparent) album cover

The icon is a placeholder, i try to retrieve the image album

You are all right, i have fixed light but not the others :joy:

Actually i havenā€™t added a class for every box, i add it in next release but you can try with .volume for volume size (need confirm the class name)

Indeed much better :+1: Reached the level: I can use it in my Dashboard in the living room.

But :blush:

  • Would be great to have a picture. But a max output is I think more important (neighbours did not complain yet, but ā€¦ :grin:)
  • With theme Horizontal ā†’ no matter the size of widget: no info about artist and song (and no icon). Is that as intended?
  • the icons for control are relatively small and therefore also close to each other? can that be adjusted witch CSS??
  • Default theme landscape 4x2; the 'dotā€™for volume overlaps with controls, But whitespace above control reasonable till bit too much. Landscape 6x3; still slider and control close (but not overlapping). Whitespace above control: too much
  • Theme vertical: Land 4x2: like the sizing :+1: Bigger more whitespace ofcourse but nice sizing.

Refresh after screensaver also fixed?

And just realized: I have Google so no timebar (not complaining just mentioning beacuase of maybe some differences with Sonos)

yes, actually the horizontal is a lite version

Try to set the widget font-size at 120%

i havenā€™t tried, but every widget (visible) in background are refresh, the screensaver should not stop nothing

v 0.240516.2

  • Optimized the GenericSpeaker Widget: reduced slider height in landscape version and insert title track in horizontal layout. @Amersfoort, @Hielke_de_Jong

@diapolon We have mentioned serveral times the idea of making a max volume setting, but until now there is no reaction. It could be impossible, or you donā€™t like the idea, or it is way too much work. All answers are fine, but please comment on this, so we can stop asking (is this the famous Dutch directness?).

Do you have the CSS class names, so we can change the row settings of the widget? Now I prefer the default theme 4x2 setting.