[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

Meanwhile this is making progress

That looks promising (short version of Queen by the way :grin:)

@diapolon In the meantime, as a SmartDash “expert”, I have listed a number of new suggestions:

  • Increase the usability of the app:
  • Reduce the size of the grid so that the screen can be adjusted more precisely
  • Reduce the space between the toolbar on top and the top row of widgets
  • Simplify creating a screen layout; Arranging the widgets in the desired order is one of the most difficult parts of the app. You cannot now clearly see what you are setting. Possible solutions: drag and drop or preview layout when defining a widget
  • The names of the new widgets are “almost” in alphabetical order. Remove the Generic prefix; I look for Light at the L, now it is at the G.
  • Show the icons based on the name in a preview picklist, for example entering at least 3 letters, to limit the amount of icons (save icons in the app, or via an API with mdi?). I have a json file with all the svg commands for the icons. If it is not possible to include the icon in the app: create a hyperlink to the website with all icon names.
  • Allow multiple variables to be included in one widget, so similar data is in one list, taking up less space.

Please comment on each of the above points. So far, a lot of the focus has been on new functionality, but I think ease of use has been somewhat forgotten. If you think it is a good and feasible idea, please register it on Github.

If you have any doubts about what I think of the app: I am still impressed by the functionality in such a compact app, but there is always room for improvement.

One last question: how can I reduce the distance between the separator text (= title) and the line below the text? I have already tried various CSS commands, but no success yet.

I think this is not for everyone a good idea; I made part of the dashboard so that my children can control some of the lights who are on a smart plug. Chances are they will by accident use longpress. Also going to settings of the widget is not something you do every day (at least I do not) So maybe a bit more steps I think is not wrong.

perhaps a very stupid question: how do you copy the Api-Key to the NS-Panel?
Do I need to install Homey App on the device? The key is way to long to enter it manually…

you can send a txt file (with the key) by bluetooth and use copy & paste.

I read as soon as I can👍

Thank you, that worked fine! Never had an Android device…

In the Info section I get an error-message “failed to connect to homeysmartdash.com” and the app version is undefined?

Maybe a connection problem?

v 0.240515.1

My first reactions on improved Speaker widget:

The artist and track is hardcoded on Bohemian Rapsody and Queen concatenated with the data playing.

A lot of screen space is needed to see more details. At lease a height of 4 is needed for details. The volume slider length seems to be tiny. Please create more screen efficiency.


  • define an new variable in GenericSpeaker called “max volume”. This should block the volume slider when trying to set a higher volume. Alternative: define a percentage of the max value. A user can use the entire slide bar, but the real volume will be multiplied by the percentage.
  • make a handle on time playing bar (like volume handle), then you can skip or replay a part clicking on this handle.
  • Previous and next buttons
  • the one second timer did not make it to show the real playing time even this is normally updated each 3 minutes :upside_down_face:

I’m releasing a fix for the placeholder Queen :sweat_smile:
Previous and next they had to be there :smirk:

probably also part of your placeholder; but I see the time playing bar (I do not think that will be possible with Google speakers (??)).

Tha max-volume is I think almost a must-have. Buttons might be a bit bigger.

remove in new update

this is variable.
what is your device aspect ratio?

it’s not easy, every widgets has 9x8=72 combinations for potrait and 12x8=96 combinations for landscape and the devices aspect ratio are many.
For speaker i have realized 4 different layout which are loaded according to size choosed.
To fill better i also have added ability to change font-size in every widgets, have you tried to change fonts-size?

Some versions ago i limited the choice of size of the more complex widgets but some users wanted the possibility of selecting them all and managing the contents via CSS


Can you share which layout is for which sizes?

I have changed the font size to a smaller one. This does not change the screen efficiency. When I make the widget smaller, some parts like time slider are gone. I think alle components could be visible in a 4x2 widget.
Whatever I try: no previous or next buttons.
Which CSS settings can you advice, for which widget size?

Maybe it is a idea to fucus first on one of the layouts (for the biggest widgets)?

Some things I noticed (and not yet mentioned by Amersfoort):

  • when device is not playing it still shows the last song (device capabilitie says it is not playing)
  • coming out of screensaver; widget does not refresh immediately, so still visible the song before.