[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

@diapolon Here are a number of suggestions from a SmartDash tablet user to make the existing beautiful app even more pleasant to use:

  1. Make options of the most commonly used settings, which now have to be made with CSS. Continue to create the less used options with CSS and should overwrite any menu driven options. Examples of menu-driven options:
    a. icon (show/not show; top, middle or bottom; size; weight; color)
    b. title (ditto)
    c. update time (ditto)
    d. widget shadow (size, color)
    e. make the background dynamic (for example refer to http://images.hdqwalls.com), as you did with icons

  2. The most frequently used option when setting up is Customize CSS. This option is at the very bottom of the settings screen for panels and widgets. Add a button in the toolbar for CSS (button only visible when saved widget or panel)

  3. Do not show widget options across the entire width in one column. Make it two columns: less scrolling.

  4. Font size in Setting → System is hardcoded 25px. Make it customizable: a tablet user wants a different font than a Sonoff user

  5. Update the translations for newly added features. I want to help with the Dutch translation.

  6. On a tablet on the wall, the panel buttons are too small for pleasant operation. There is plenty of room to make this larger. If that is not possible: reduce the space between the button bar and the first line. Is it possible to swipe to the next panel?

  7. If the user screen is completely filled, make the screen non-scrollable. Only scrollable if more space is needed. If necessary, use the globe at the top right of the screen to setup the screens

  8. The current screen to add a new type of widget is large. Suggested adjustments:
    a. Use that space for a brief explanation of the function so that the next screen can disappear, or
    b. Make the “add widget” buttons smaller so you don’t have to scroll as much
    c. Place the buttons in a more logical order, for example alphabetically. Give the widget names a more functional, less technical name (now it is the class name)

  9. Same for screen with devices: small buttons, less scrolling

I’m not bothered by a lot of technical knowledge, but I hope you can appreciate my suggestions and convert some of them into an increasingly beautiful and user-friendly app.