[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

yes i think is possible :+1:

These are the capabilities of my Sonos speakers:

And again: another (hopefully small) wish: would it be possible to set a standard way to connect to Homey (local vs cloud). So this standard way will be used when starting SmartDash? Maybe a setting with choices: Local / Cloud / Choose at start

Is there a line Image in the part above the capabilities (just curious)

Nice suggestion, but if you set local, you can’t access to cloud if you don’t change the options. Same thing with cloud.
If you don’t insert the cloud_id, the app connect automatically to Homey (In a only local device cloud_id is not necessary!).

But is that not how it works already? You have to restart the app to choose the connection?

You have to go in settings, change the options in cloud, save and restart.
Every time you need change the connection type.

I thought of two use cases:

  1. SmartDash in a local only device, like NsPanelPro or a wall tablet. You don’t need to set the cloud_id, and the app log-in automatically
  2. SmartDash in a smartphone, you need cloud_id for access system when you are away from home. When the smartphone is at home, it doesn’t matter how it connects

That was why: option 3 :slight_smile:

And Yes my usecase is not very big. To test I filled in the cloud-id. Which is not very easy and now I think why remove when it is there :thinking: :blush:

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This is the only parameter containing the word “image”. This number starting with 4b14 refers to the image which is used by HomeyImage widget.

There is a parameter “Custom Icon” which contains value No on my device.

speaker_duration and speaker_position are related?

speaker_duration = total length of the track/song in seconds
speaker_position = current playing position of the track/song in seconds.

The refresh rate of Position seems to be low; only on pause and after (each?) 3 minutes.

i can create some thing like this:

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Good looking widgets!

  • is this one widget and the lay-out differs depending on its dimensions ?
  • will the available buttons in widget (for example suffle play) depend on capabilities of the device?
  • how do you manage the playing progress with a low refresh rate of the Position parameter?
  • could you make the sliders for curtains/shades/screens as good looking?

If the refresh position is only every 3 min the position is updated every 3 min, no solution for it!

A timer running every second after start/pause/device refresh, updating the widget is my wild thought… Maybe too wild.

Yes too wild :joy:
But is an idea

I think the ratio of the empty space is a bit off. Top line seems to be in the middle of the top 1/3 space in the widget where the 2 other lines are in the top part of their part in the widget. @Amersfoort, @Robinjo and @Kringloper What do you think??

I see the same. My height of the widget is 2, than it is less visible. With a height 3 or more you can see it better.

Right, some layout need optimization: 9x8 have too many combinations…

I used this layout to make it more clear. Not to really use :blush: :grin: Some optimization would be nice :+1: