[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

@Robinjo try to remove vlc, with latest version i think is not necessary

Indeed, didn’t know you integrated this in last version. Nicely done!

An example url that work:


Work also in iphone.
rtsp in iphone seem don’t work

Some others test links

GitHub - adimango/http-live-streaming-examples: A repository that contains a collection of samples of HTTP Live Streaming.

Scaling of images dont play very well on older android and apple devices. (tablets)
I would like to re-purpuse one of my older devices to a dashboard. but it would be of no use due to the poor scaling of images. I miss the option to “fit” image in the widget size.
I created a 44 image widget and collect my doorbell camera. When using “contain” option the image only uses the bottom row of the 4. Scaling in horizontal seems right but image i cropped. So my 44 widget is 34 white space and 14 image content.
Using option “cover” I get image in the whole square but it looks “zoomed” ( preserved resolution of image and dont fit in my square)
Using option “fill” compress the image horizontally, but cropping image vertically removing bottom part of the image… This issue is the same on old Ipad and older samsung tabA
please have a look at it! otherwise all thumbs up!

ps tried the rtsp streaming, and it dont work on any of my devices - rtsp stream works fine in vlc on PC

There’s a problem with image scaling, I need to fix it.
Rtsp don’t work always, maybe is a coding problem?

i need help im not that good with variables and stuff but im trying i have made the 2 flows and the homeyscript i dont think they are working but i have made them i will add pictures so people can help me

this is the get token flow

this is the extract flow


these are my variables i dont know if they are correct :smiley:

and i copy past the flow

i have a 2019 homey pro and i want to use the dashboard on a android tables but first i wanna connect it which is confusing to me so and help would be appreciated :smiley:

used: Local API App for Homey | Homey ?

v 0.240509.2

  • Fixed image scaling. @Soap check now!

It seem correct.
Have you tried to open url create by LocalAPI?
it should have a json like this:


Seems to be working better on android! Good job! ( ipad still not scaling properly)

where would i find that

i see this in my variables

Localapi create an url with your homey ip:

Update with Fix is in release

Recently there has been some nice improvements for RGB light sliders. To extend this improvement it would be nice if:

  • curtains and shades have this same kind of slider. As a bonus: for each device you can define if we want to have a horizontal (most cases curtains) or vertical (shades) slider.
  • slider for speakers. As a bonus: self definable direction (horizontal or vertical) + max volume allowed (not blowing up your speakers) + mute button
  • these responsive sliders with a button turning on/off your device, suitable for quite compact widgets, but, if possible, good looking for bigger widgets as well (formats like RGB sliders).
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Even more nice (I think); would be added buttons for previous and next song. Perfection would be the possibility to have the picture of what is playing in the background :thinking: :grin:

Maybe also an idea to have a ‘Spotify-mini-webplayer’-widget if possible (https://developer.spotify.com/)

send me the list of your device capabilities and i check if is possible!

ok, next, prev and mute is possible. The image how?

MMM…prev and next should be present

Connected to the device is a image. Not possible to use this connection?

If possible; there will be some more challenges I think in the way I think it is working (there is a image present but speakers are not playing for one). Maybe a plus: it looks like there is a image per Google-device.