[PRO][Dashboard] HDashboards a dashboard system fully focussed on Homey

Great it worked! You’re welcome, Jacques.

Any target release?

Hi Menno, any news about this?

Hello! Is it possible to change the colour from green to any other wanted colour when device is on?

You can change the colour of a tile through a flow via the HDashboards companion app: HDashboards companion App voor Homey | Homey

I see. I will give it a try. Thank you! Is it possible to edit the tiles / widgets any more? In any way?

I don’t understand your question but in edit mode on the right top there are 3 dots. It will open a menu that allows you to edit them.

So this is everything you can edit a tile? I dont really understand the advanced page is there any more customization there?

Okay you now edit the multicard but not the tiles within it indeed.

Let me explain:

  • This menu has the normalized configuration as in:
    Where get information from, which device
    Title? etc etc


  • What identifier to use to talk with it with the companion app
  • Does it need to do nothing when you tap on it, or customize it with flows
  • Try and see if my algorithm can find a good behaviour.

I recommend reading the FAQ:

Thank you! I will take a look at this. Is it possible to open a dashboard in modal? Or like get a popup with som specific controls?

No, there is a feature request open for that.

Right now you could actually do it with virtual devices and long press. As long press opens a device model.

But not officially supported yet.

You can go to other dashboards with a dashboard tile

Thanks for the information!! One last question. Is it possible to remove the top menu with the refresh and edit button, as well as the name?

Not yet, but probably soon!


@Menno_van_Hout winter is coming… so i was making a dashboard for changing the thermostat. Is it correct that i can’t change the temp in a thermostat card? I click on it, nothing happens.

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You should be able to change it. You use it as a small card so you have the - and + icons to change it or you make the card bigger? The bigger one you move the dot in the circle.


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send me a pb if you have issues, might be that you need to set the step temp to 1 if 0.5 is not supported

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Hoi Ria,

Als ik de webpagina cast dan moet ik eerst inloggen maar ik kan niets typen op de Google Hub. Weet jij hoe op te lossen?

If you start the dashboard on your tablet, can you log in there?


Ja dat klopt. Daar kan ik wel gewoon inloggen.

And then copy the link after logging in and paste it into the flow. That’s how I did it.