[PRO][Dashboard] HDashboards a dashboard system fully focussed on Homey

There is a memory system inside companion app. Colors that didn’t change are not being sent, this should make sure you won’t run into 429 error in those flows.

To be honest I have never seen that message before haha. What capability label did you select?

It’s a standard door/window sensor

You’re label capability is your issue.
You are choosing to see this text since you have choosen it as label, you could choose something else? it doesn’t influence the orange color when triggered.

I can choose the capability label only between Battery alarm and contact alarm. If I choose battery alarm it shows instead of “Contact alarm turned off” “Battery alarm turned off”

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Aaaah I know what’s going on! Those booleans use the insights title. So the homey app has a massive long insights title. Hmm in that case i should make that field optional. I can do that in next update

Yes please. Thank you

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Where did the seconds and blinking dots went too on the digital clock? I liked that, but it’s gone.

Too many complaints about the animation. Also iOS didn’t like it :frowning:

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That’s too bad. Can’t you make it optional then?

Soon I’ll do an big update for the digital clock.
I want the date formatting to be also fully configurable.

so you can also choose your own order of day / month / year or HH:mm ss miliseconds etc.
The new system allows me to create configurable options :smiley:

That sounds great :clap: I can’t wait :grin:

Currently 10% discount at: https://hdashboards.app

Last update:

Release v0.7.5

  • Lots of user feedback to make HDashboards more user friendly
  • Free image storage solution with CDN
  • Extended trial to 14 days
  • New Digital clock
  • New Analog clock
  • New adding/edit menu for dashboard cards
  • Restyled all input fields
  • Screen always on
  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed Dashboard card companion app support
  • Fixed multicard support in companion app
  • Fixed bug for users with multiple HBeat licenses

Behind the scenes (for nerds):

  • Complete rewrite of most cards
  • Complete rewrite of icons for cards
  • Server sided SVG → PNG converter
  • Re-write theming system for HDashboards
  • Upgraded to flutter 3.22
  • Upgraded depended packages and if they were not available for flutter 3.22 added opensource contributions with PR’s to update them.
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About the pricing : 10 devices = 10 users ?
(It’s a good price, but then I know my limitations :slightly_smiling_face:)

And if so, then maybe write that under pricing on the website :upside_down_face:

Unlimited devices. 10 users is 10 different accounts with different rights.


Thanks !

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Hi @Menno_van_Hout,

I know its hard to satisfy everybody. But today we got an update and now the new digital clock is no longer readable from a distance. All our family members are complaining since its our only clock in the room and unless you walk up to the dashboard you can no longer see it from a distance.

The font-size is much much smaller than before. There’s also now a big waste of space on this component. And there’s no way for me to resolve it.

Can you maybe make the font configurable?

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The clock down scaled due a bug. In next update should be fixed again!


Congratulations on the new job @Menno_van_Hout! :wink:
Curious about the future of Homey dashboards! :+1:t2:

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Homey dashboards != HDashboards