[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

It’s a good idea! What animation?

I meen the icon for the slideshow feature. :slightly_smiling_face:

ah ok :slight_smile:
I was considering moving it to the settings section

I release an update. If you have enabled the debug, go in info page and update start!

Hi Julien,
Where did you write this blog post?
Newbie for smartdash about to receive my first NSPanel Pro.

I updated the test version:

  • fixed some bugs
  • moved autoswitch in panels section
  • completed at 90% portrait layout
  • fist rewriting for landscape layout.

@Robinjo i tested new version in lenovo smart clock :+1:

For all user, @McFly has made a correct observation, with only one panel the toolbar is not necessary.

I’ve been thinking about it:
I can remove toolbar and create a panel widget for navigate in panel.
It has the advantage of being customizable but the disadvantage that it is no longer fixed but slides in the panel.

What do you think?

Hi again

Just a few things that I’m missing.

  1. A tile that enables you to open an app like Sonos from the tablet or perhaps a link to a webpage.

When you are at the dashboard it’s nice to have the ability to dive into some of the apps that you use in the smart home :sunglasses:

  1. A media tile where you can have an image that can be refreshed at a time interval like the iframe tile.

I dont think widget approach is the way to go.

I would just always list only those tiles that are containing at least 1 widget. If there is only 1 not empty tile, there should be no rotation button available. Everything else may be the same.

I think you still need the top bar because of the connection icon, which is meaningful. This top bar should also allow for date/time to be visible. Basically, the top bar should mimic the top bar of a cell phone, providing all the time some generally needed information.

For 2. use virtualcamera widget! :blush:

I would put “settings” in the toolbar as three small dots under each other.

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First of all, love it that we now have the debug toggle to install beta version from the app directly!

I think that the navigation bar is for most people a needed tool with indeed the connection icon. In some rare cases that you only have one page just deal with it or maybe if it is possible a toggle to hide it in systems section. Most users use this app for managing homey that needs multiple pages.
A time/date option in this toolbar would be very nice, because all related sensor data timestamps in the widgets reflect to this.

The move of the autoswitch icon I think is in a nice place now. Not understanding why you need to have this function, but maybe nice to have.

Did you change something about the clock widget? because only when I make the widget 3x in height it shows the date.

For lenovo smart clock I think the new grid needs some love, before it was nicer aligned.

Old 3x5 grid looked square and no unused space on the side:

New grid showes bigger side space and the grid looks like a 7x12 where the 7 is not a 7 because I put a 1x1 for testing under the timeline what is not shown completely.

And sorry to say, it is maybe logical square but doesn’t feels like it:

Other question, is it possible when pressing a button I can make with CSS flash the background of the button go to white for example so that you have a visual feedback that you have pressed the button?

That is a good point

There are css actions called animation and keyframes, it should work, but its not an easy css writeup. Google some examples

@diapolon : Related to the non-ideal design on lenovo clock, I believe that custom css to the tiles will solve this and similar requests and issues (including my previous request for custom background) and you will not need to individually adjust for every single device running android. I think that wouldnt be feasible in longtime run. I like the fact that the app now allows for insane options for customization, despite it requires some basic coding skills. Its better to force the user to google some basic css than limit him by strict options.

there is a undocumented CSS rules for this.
.tapped class is added when you click a button and remove at release.

.tapped .content { background: red !important}

It work with current test version!

Some things:

  • Landscape version is in development, many things are in working progress!
  • For Lenovo i can resolve with fixed layout, similar to ns panel.
  • For a generic tablet, need to find a valid solution for use 100% of screen and square widget.
    I think the correct thing is to play with the toolbar height
  • The autoswitch are used by some users, more is better than less!
  • The clock in toolbar was present in the first versions, i have created widget clock and removed it in toolbar for more space for buttons
  • For the three dots, i have insert setting button at last because i think that once set it is no longer needed

with emulator is a square box, need to create a simple debug widget what showing the dimension

Try this CSS rules in 1x1 or 2x2 widget

.content {border-radius:50%}

New test update, i fix date in clock and correct grid in landscape mode.
Check this @Robinjo in smart clock!

@Robinjo , in smart clock, you have disabled some app from adb (like assistant)? Are safe?

I tryed and you can set external background-image by css in widget:

.content { background: url("$url_image") no-repeat center center; background-size: cover }