[Pro][Dashboard] SmartDash - a dashboard for Homey

@diapolon how do custom icons section work? Just putting mdi code in it does not work.

If icon is mdi-power you need write only power

Testing with your examples. Flipping icon works, but adding text before title doesn’t. First testing to add before I opacity the original title.

This should add a “X” before the title isn’t it?

.content .box {font-size:20px}
.content .state {color: #ffc000}
.on .content .mdi::before {content: “\F0904”;}
.on .content .name::before {content: “X”;color: #d2d2d2}

.name is position absolute, maybe it make a bug/error. Try to set width, height and display in before, or change before with pseudo class after!

You are missing .on .content .name {color: #background_color; }

@diapolon it would help if text in div would be placed to a < span >< / span >, then you can just make .on. content .name span {display:none}

Yes, it can be helpfull

If I add that line, the title is going to the background, but “X” is not presented. Also tried “after” instead of “before” and the hight/width/display like @diapolon suggested if I did ik correct?

No succes yet.

.content .box {font-size:20px}
.content .state {color: #ffc000}
.on .content .mdi::before {content: “\F0904”;}
.on .content .name {color: #242424}
.on .content .name::before {content: “X”; width: 100px; height: 20px; display: block; color: #d2d2d2}

Found the problem, replace content:“x” with content:‘x’
I need to escape "

Thanks, on nspanel this works! Not on ios.

Hmm, I had it working one time, after changing things now it doesn’t anymore.

Maybe need to wait for the update of “

Love it to play around with this app.
Edit my first page with sleep and awake toggle.

@Robinjo the problem is the char used… is different to ". In CSS need to use quotation marks or single apostrophe

New test version for nspanel pro
I have remove system grids (3x3,3x4,etc) and insert a columns management.
The default is 9 cols (Actually is the only)

Because the nspanel pro is squared the total display is 9x9, where 9x1 is the toolbar and 9x8 is the visible widgets grid.
Whats work:

    1. Migrating data to new database engine
    1. Migrating data to new grid system
    1. Square widget: now 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 etc are square.
    1. Prepared the system for allow toolbar height (from 1 to 2 cols)
    1. Added ability to install a test version if you enable the debug

For manage the new grid i changed the method for setting widget dimension:

For official release i need to complete css adaptions for new grid and testing it for smartphone/tablet

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Awesome! You are the boss!

Love your knowledge about coding. Every time you manage to get things very quick fixed. I was searching for the best app to control homey from nspanel or something similar. With your app that talk directly to the api of homey makes a huge divergent.

This will make this app awesome evey update it gets.

Tryed this test version on nspanel, my experience are:

  • grid conversion did it allmost perfect. Only my 3x4 went a 6x1. But visual a 1x1.
  • a 2x2 looks like a nice button size. But is looks like the height is a bit bigger then the width.

Maybe i exchanged some values :thinking:

Maybe it is an optical illusion, height is set to equal at width but tomorrow i check it, it can be a stupid error!

Really nice work!

A few minor things.

  1. Might be a dumb question, but what is the green globe in the upper right corner for?

  2. When using only one panel, could you hide the animation and panel icons in the top?

  3. Under info, mine is blinking “upgrade available 0.240322.7” how can I upgrade?

Hi, the globe indicate the connection status with homey
The update indicate a new version but for now in apple and google store the publish is paused because I’m heavily modifying the app, when the new version is fully usable i release it!
For now is only available for ns panel pro